15: Meghan was there. Meghan must be here.

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AN: Hey Guys! How are you? You excited for 2018? I totally am, I must admit.

For ending 2k17 appropriately, I'm giving you 3 chapters (one for today, two for tomorrow) and in 2k18 the conclusion for Maybe will be published (It will be really intense).

And for 2k18 I'm going to continue writing Attent¡on and a new book is making its way to my account.

Stay tuned!

Here is your last bunch of chapters for 2k17.

"Candace Silvers has reported to your office, sir" says Marie and François nods.

"Let her in" he says "and bring a gun just Incase"


"Just do it!"

Marie opens the door wider so Candace can enter. "Boss François, there are plenty of things to explain"

"I know" Says François "But this photograph has to have an explanation" François puts the photo on the desk and Candace sees it with detail. Only one thought rebounds in her mind.


"I was stupid when I was a teenager, sir. I even got violated. I can tell you the story" says Candace.

"Go ahead"

"I used to live in the USA when I was 13. I decided to throw a big party. That night, I got kidnapped and a man started doing that to me so a girl named Meghan saved me. I was too weak to say that she was innocent. They all thought she was guilty and that sent her to 10 years in jail. There is a reason why I didn't speak: this photograph." Lies Candace.

"But that doesn't justify that the picture has arrived to Lyon from the USA" Says François "This has no justification. We can have no prostitutes or whatever in the Lyon Newspaper Company, so it's my obligation to fire you."

"No! Please no! Are you firing me for a mistake I made when I was 13?"

"Yes, I am. Life is full of mistakes. Learn." Says François.


"Security!" Screams François when Candace starts to attack him. The officers take Candace off of François's body and they leave.

"You're paying for this, François! You're going to pay a very expensive due!" Screamed Candace "I promise you'll suffer!"

When security takes Candace out of the Newspaper Company she screams in anger and she starts walking and she gets to a park.

"Meghan must have taken the picture that day." She says "but how could that picture come to here?"

Candace sits on a bench in the park. "Meghan was there that day. So she must be here right now if she gave François that photograph"


"Charles Puth!" Candace yells when she enters the apartment.

"You got fired?" He asks and Candace nods.

"The photograph" Candace says "if they discover you were part of that scene you'll get fired too,you can probably end up in jail."


"Remember that day when we were having sex in the bathroom?" Candace asks Charlie "Meghan, I think I saw her that day in the bathroom, looking at us. I think I said something horrible to her."

"You did, I think you did." Charlie says "but that gives you no answers. There is absolutely no way Meghan is here. How could she travel to Lyon and find us? How could she even find a way to ditch you that way?"

"Us. How could she ditch us that way."

"Is there any way we can meet her? I mean, what happened after Meghan got arrested?"

"Her parents left her. They say she was an insult to the family. They even gave us a letter to express their apology."

Silence between them. They don't say nothing. Their mind only tells Meghan is in Lyon and that she gave the photograph to François. There are high probabilities of that... but how? It's illogical! (For them).

"I don't know. But the only way that photo got to mister François's desk is Meghan." Says Candace and then a logical thought gets to her mind: Jackie left the file with the photo on François's desk. Maybe... maybe Jackie had something to do with that picture. "Jackie" Candace whispered.

"Jackie" says Charlie. "Jackie said she met Meghan in prison"

"Maybe that's how Meghan ended up in Lyon! Meghan is here! Meghan did this!" Says Candace, crazily.

"This. Is. Just. A. Theory" says Charlie, pausing in every word.

"Just a theory."

Charlie felt excited but betrayed. If Meghan did this, she didn't only ditched Candace, if not him too.

But even if Meghan was still there, Meghan is just a memory of his past, Jackie is the present and probably, the future.

How little he knows!

Maybe - EditingWhere stories live. Discover now