Chapter 1 - The Backfire

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Bonnie's P.O.V

I didn't think that the backfire of that stupid, harmless spell would send Elena and I to a completely different place. But to where I'm not sure. I hear a groan from besides me; Elena.
"Hey Elena. You okay?" I ask moving slightly closer. And that's when I see what she's wearing. Oh my God. It's a pale blue cotton dress and the top half is like a corset. Then I looked down to see I was wearing a similar dress, but in a faded shade of orange. What time era are we in?
"Bonnie? Where are we?" Elena asked quietly from besides me, causing me to look up.
"I'm not sure. But lets try to find somewhere to stay for the night." I say, getting up before offering my hand. We walked towards the village in silence. Yes, the village. Someone comes towards us and I can immediately tell by the power thats radiating off if her, that she's a witch. A Bennet witch.
"Hello. My name's Ayanna. Who are you?" The witch asked, politely. Wait, Ayanna. Oh My God. We went back in time 1000 years; to when The Originals were human.
"I'm Bonnie and this is Elena." She turned to Elena at the sound of her name.
"Oh my. You look just like Tatia. Please come inside my home." She said and we gladly obliged.
"How do you look like Tatia?" Ayanna asked curiously. Elena and I relayed the whole story about us being from the future and The Originals being vampires. To say she looked shocked was an understatement.
"So to make this clear you need my help getting you back to the future. That may take some time so you will be staying here for a while. As we would not want to cause suspicion we will need to erase the minds of everyone after you leave and alter Elena's looks ever so slightly. Just so nobody mistakes her for Tatia. Like Elijah or Niklaus. Becauseif they accidentally mistook you for Tatia they would be in huge trouble." Ayanna said holding back a smirk at the thought of Klaus and Elijah being in trouble with Tatia. Then she cast a small spell on Elena, making her hair a shade lighter and her eyes a slightly darker brown. Then she looked up the spell to send us back and then she turned around and looked at us with a sympathetic look on her face.
"What?" I asked getting slightly concerned.
"I have to wait until the next blood moon to cast the spell." The next blood moon? But thats not...
"But the next blood moon isn't for another 900 years if your celestial allignments line up with ours!" I exclaimed. Elena just stood there with her mouth hanging open. Ayanna looked at us confirming the facts. Oh God. The only way we were going to make it home was as vampires.
"Okay so we go home as vampires. But I have a question Ayanna. Will The Originals remember the 900 years we will probably spend knowing them?" Elena asks. That's a good question.
"Yes upon your return the memories will gradually return to The Mikaelsons." Ayanna says knowing Elena will probably want to make friends with them without them knowing what happens in the future. Elena's face lights up slightly at the news that she could become their friends and they would eventually remeber it. I have to admit making friends with them wouldn't be a bad idea. I mean fresh starts are always a good thing. Especially when the person you want to make a fresh start with knows nothing about why you need a fresh start.
"Ok cool Ayanna thanks. I'mgoing to head out do you need anything Ayanna?" Elena asks politely.
"No thank you Elena but I would prefer you didn't go alone. Bonnie would you please go with her?" I nod not wanting my best friend to possibly face The Originals alone.

Author's Note
Hey guys
What do you think?
Im posting chapter 2 and 3 tonight but if anyone leaves a comment saying they dont like it I'll wrap it up.

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