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I stand in the kitchen reading over the schedule I received online. Tomorrow is my first day of my junior year. I have a total of eight periods. My lunch break is the sixth block. I sigh softly not wanting to go to school. I hate school. I fold my schedule up before I hear laughter and people walk into the kitchen. I look up seeing my brother Brayden and his best friend Zayn Malik. Good lord does Zayn look amazing today.

"You already got your schedule?" I hear, Brayden is speaking to me. I clear my throat nodding. Brayden grabs my schedule unfolding it as he looks down at it. I look over at Zayn as he stares at me. I feel my cheeks start heating up before I look away.

"You have Mrs Wall I feel bad for you. She's a total bitch." Brayden states tossing the paper back on the counter. I roll my eyes before grabbing it and shoving it back into my pocket. Zayn chuckles softly when Brayden says that.

"You're making me look forward to my first day tomorrow." I state rolling my eyes. I stand up as I make my way to the fridge opening it. I grab a water bottle and the tub of grapes. I turn around walking back to my seat. I open the container before popping a grape in my mouth.

"Well just telling you the truth lil sis." Brayden states humming grabbing a couple of my grapes. I narrow my eyes at my older brother. I cross my arms in front of me.

"Get your own fruit." I state leaving he container of fruit there, standing up. I grab my water before grabbing my phone also. I walk towards the stairs, heading Brayden to tell me to suck it up which I tell him to shut up. I make my way into my bedroom. When I sit down, I grab my notebook. I opening it seeing the many entires of things I've written about. Some about school, family and quite a bit of Zayn.

Zayn has been my brothers best friend for eight years now. They've done everything together, my parents love him. My pathetic crush on Zayn has been here for almost a year. It's started in my sophomore year.

I stand in the kitchen, just as Zayn walks in. He came over to hang out with Brayden, since they decided to play some video games. I look up getting meet my brothers best friend. Zayn is attractive. Something I haven't really noticed before. He's wearing black jeans with a red and black plaid shirt.

"Hey Esme." He greets me softly as he opens the fridge grabbing a Gatorade and closing the fridge. He leans against it looking over at me as he opens it and drinks some of the liquids. I bite down on my bottom lip, watching as his Adam's apple moves up and down when he takes a drink.

"Hello... Guessing your here for my brother?" I ask softly looking down at the ground before looking back at Zayn. His hair is pushed back, it looks like he's ran his fingers through it many times but it still looks great. His eyes are sparkling, they been a pretty caramel color. His cheekbones look amazing also. God why haven't I noticed how hot he is?

"Are you even listening love?" I hear snapping me out of my trance. I blush softly shaking my head. Zayn chuckles softly before holding the bottle with both hands. He stares at me for a moment before he smiles.

"Your confused, which makes you look adorable." He tells me softly. I feel my cheeks heat up even more. The guy that is a walking god just complimented me.

That's how my crush started. Embarrassing I know. I know it won't work, I can have my hopes and dreams. I close the notebook tossing it on the ground sighing softly. I lie down on my bed before leaning against my backboard. My eyes close for a moment needing to relax my mind of all thoughts.

My phone starts buzzing so I grab it opening the new text message. Which is from my best friend Harry. Harry Styles whom I met my first day of freshmen year. We've been very close ever since. Most people think we're dating but we aren't. I don't see him like that.

My Brothers Best Friend {Z.M}Where stories live. Discover now