More Sleepovers and Arguments

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Top picture is of the band Annie, Y/N, Hanji, and Mikasa.


Okay so today I will talk with Levi about yesterday.



"Hello? Y/N? I'm sorry about yesterday she came onto me I didn't know what to do you have to believe me!!!"


"I-I know I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Levi. I need time to think. I have band practice at Annie's house today. I'll tell you what I think then. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you. Bye."

"Bye. 😔"



I really need to get going if I'm going to make it to practice.

The drive was really long to pass the time I listened to the radio there were some good songs playing.

I sang to almost all of the way when I finally reached Annie's house.

I got out and they were all there and ready to go.

"Hey guys ready to practice? I have a good song we can play for our next gig."

"The almighty great and awesome Hanji is ready!!"

"Mikasa give me a hand with finding the guitar picks."

"Sure Annie."

"Oh hey Y/N have you talked things out with Levi?" Hanji asked.

"Sort of. I called him earlier and he apologized first and I said to give me time to think about it."

"That was a good idea, but don't be mad at me."

Mikasa and Annie came back with a baggie of friggin cool looking picks.

"Hanji. What did you do?"

"I may have or may have not invited all the guys to come over and listen to our practice for their opinions on what we need to work on. 😅"

"What?!?! 😧"

I panicked. I ran until I hit my head on a cupboard. Ouch. That really fucking hurt.

"Y/N are you okay?!?!?"

"Yes Mikasa I'm fine just a little bump."

"Okay. Girls it's time for practice." Annie grabbed her bass guitar.

Mikasa grabbed her guitar and I grabbed mine. Hanji sat down at the drums.

We all fixed our mics. I turned on the speakers and got ready.

"Okay girls let's play. Careful by Paramore."

"Yes!!!! I love that song!!!"

"Thanks Hanji."

"Do you all know the words and music?"


"Of course!!"


"Okay on your count Hanji."

"1!! 2!! 3!!"

We slowly came in then I took a breath in and out. Okay please send my message out. (Song at the top)

I settled down
A twisted up frown
Disguised as a smile, well
You would have never known

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