Happy Ever After

421 12 12

7:16 P.M.

*breathe in breathe out*

"Come on honey you can do it. We're almost to the hospital." Levi said trying to keep his eyes on the road.

My response was to squeeze his hand.

As we were pulling into the hospital a nurse brought a wheelchair out and Levi helped lift me into the chair and they quickly rolled me in.

Levi checked us in and the nurse brought us to our room.

I was lifted out of the chair and onto my temporary bed. They put two fluffy pillows underneath my head.

The nurse started putting these wires and tubes into my hand and arm.

I was seriously getting nervous, and once the nurse left I started to cry. I couldn't stop the flow of tears falling from my eyes.

Levi quickly got up from his makeshift bed and ran to grab my hands and looked into my eyes deeply.

"Baby girl, what's wrong?"

"I'm just so scared what if the babies aren't okay? What if I'm not okay? What if I do something wrong? What if I poop myself?"

He looked at me with wide eyes then started laughing.

" Babe you're going to poop yourself there's no question about it. Unless you go before giving birth. Also, the babies and you will be fine okay? I won't let anything happen to you."

He kissed my hand and wiped my eyes.

I smiled lovingly at him.

"Okay. Also, I will be going before I give birth because pooping myself is a big no-no. "

He started to laugh again. He leaned in and kissed my nose.

I smiled at him and kissed him. I am literally so lucky to have him.

Nothing could ruin this moment.

All of a sudden the door flew open.

"I'm here BITCHES!!" Hanji screeched.

I looked at her with a *what the hell* kind of look.

" Hanji you can't just yell in the hospital let alone swear. I told you that before we got here. " Annie said while hitting Hanji's head.

" Teehee sorry I forgot I just got too excited. " Hanji rubbed the back of her neck.

Mikasa stepped passed them and hugged me.

"How are you feeling pretty lady?" She rubbed my arm.

I smiled.

"I'm doing good Levi has been taking good care of me. "

They all looked at him and his face was in full-on tomato mode. I giggled and grabbed his hand.

They all started laughing when I started having another contraction. This one was bad.

I screamed quietly and did the breathing exercises and then it was over.

"I want this to be over already. The fact I'm having triplets is another reason I want the epidural."

They laughed at that. The nurse came in and measured me.

"Everything is looking exceptional Mrs. Ackerman. You are at 2cm. It will take a while before it's time to push. Would you like an epidural now or when I come in later? "

I looked at Levi and he shook his head. I nodded.

"I think I'll get it when you come back later that way it doesn't wear off when it's time to push. "

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