CH 2:lost item

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Bonnie returned to his position on stage before the place could open up. He held his guitar firmly and let his body shut down for a moment of rest. He felt overwhelmed, happy, but also upset now. Different mixtures of emotions hit him at once when he saw her. Bonnie thought she was a boy at first, but now it was clear who she was, but after so many years why would she be working here?

He thought she would have moved on and started a family of her own and long forgotten this old place. He coudn't help but feel that maybe it was fate, but it all had to be to good to be true. He didn't know how he felt, but for her next shift he had to see her again, just for a second and nothing more, he just needed to be double sure of what he saw wasn't just an illusion.

So for now he needed to keep what he saw a secrect, he knew too well how the others will react when they find out about her, just until he checks again.

********************blair's POV****************************

I arrived for an afternoon shift followed by a nightshift for work. Mr. Scott wanted me to work afternoon because of a big party and wanted me and mike to keep an eye out since we are the only security gaurds who worked for the place. I pulled my hair up into a single ponytail and placed my security hate on before I walked into the restraunt that reaked wih pizza. I placed my Radio on my belt because Mike was going to stay in the security office to watch the cameras while I walk around the pizzeria. I had to make sure nobody tampers with the animatronics or climbs on them because kids are kids.

I just wish kids knew how to keep hands to themselves these days. The most they climb on is Bonnie the bunny and it irritates me that they mess with him so much.

When the band finished there performance the curtains closed and they where now back stage, but they aren't allowed to leave the area, unfortantly, because of what happened in 87. They would get in trouble if they where caught coming off stage.

The children all dispersed and went to pirates cove to visit there favorite fox pirate. Some children chased eachother and ran into other people sometimes, especially the waiters. I leaned againsted the wall in the main dining area, making sure I stayed away from the screaming and running kids. I sighed and scrunch up my nose, I was already getting sick of the pizza here and it was already three hours into my shift. I heard my radio go off and picked it off my belt.

"What's the situation?"I answered.

"A child snuck backstage with the animatronics,"Mike informed me.

I rolled my eyes,"I'm going to go check it out."

I put the device back on my belt and went backstage where the animatronics was resting until there next performance. I climbed two stairs up to the stage and was about to lift the curtain when a child burst through and pushed me out the way, but this 'child' looked more to be a teenager to me. I almost fell down, but regained my fotting before I went backstage to check to see what the boy got.

The animatronics remained still in thier potitions like statues, they where going to be like that until they start to preform again. I guess they coudn't afford them having artificial inteligence, but I think these guys are more alive then we think. Bonnie the bunny was moving on his own when he caught me in my last shift.

I shook my head and walked infront of the animatronics to check them, but the first thing I noticed was that Bonnie's guitar were missing.

"Looks like that kid took your guitar Bonnie,"I mummbled.

I looked at the purple bunny who was facing straight ahead with lifeless eyes, but his ruby eyes still glowed a bit. I felt his furry chest and he was soft, but I noticed how this time in thier new designs the band were built to look healthy and skinny like Freddy they looked slightly built like foxy was, but chica had a girlish figure and looked cute.

Bonnie though was always my favorite character, even when I was a child and still am today.

"Don't worry, I'll try to find your guitar,"I talked to the still rabbit."Damn teenagers needs to learn to behave."

I pulled out my device from my belt and pressed the button so I could talk.


I waited a few minutes before I heard him.


"You didn't tell me that 'child' was a teenager."

"Sorry Blair it looked like a child from the cameras."

"Did you see him run anywhere because he took Bonnie's guiatr."

There were a long pause.

"No sorry I didn't catch it on time, I'll go talk to the boss he might have to close early now."

I sighed,"alright, but I'll try to look for it tonight."

"What!? But the animatronics move around at night."

"i'll be just fine Mike."

"Okay. "

I sighed and looked back at the animatronics, then lastnight flashed back into my mind. Why did the animatronics wanted to kill me, when I done nothing wrong? I looked into the ruby eyed bunny until I heard a sharp scream in my head and jumped. I shook my head and the screaming was gone, then the area suddenly got cold, like a winter in December. It made my skin crawl,

"Lost,"I suddenly said and it took me by suprised.

Why did I say that just now?I shook off all feelings and went off stage to go finish watching the children for the day.

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