CH 14: What's Safe?

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Author's Note:  Sorry I've just now posted the story. It's the last month of school and it's been crazy with the exams, eoc, and getting ready for next year. But anyway enjoy the story😀😀😀
This is it I was going to lose my life, who knew I would die for the second time, but this time it would be by the person I love. I held my breathe, waiting for my death....

....nothing came....

I heard a metal clank echo in the room as I slowly opened my eyes. Bonnie looked at me with disbelieve as his ruby eyes glowed and he trembled. In his eyes I thought I saw regret in them, but he dropped to his knees, now filled with concern.

"B-Blair are you alright?" he rested a hand on my shoulder.

I nodded as he cupped my face.

"I'm so so sorry, "he kissed my forehead." I-I didn't want to, but Marionette did it."

Bonnie continued to babble about it, still apologizing about what he did. I've grown slightly annoyed by his constant babbling and grabbed his face, pulling it forward. Our lips crashed together which ceased his talking, and he melted into the kiss. His lips was still cold as he wiped my tears away with his thumb. He almost made the kiss deeper, but he pulled away for a breathe and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me in for a tight hug.

"I'm still sorry, "Bonnie whispered." I promise to make it up to you."

"Make it up to me later, but right now I'm still endanger and you will be too since your free from his control," I explained.

"I know, but I will protect you now, "he placed a cold hand on my cheeks.

Bonnie helped me to my feet, then I went to test out the buttons on the doors. Unfortunately they still wouldn't work once I pressed them.

"Looks like the office isn't safe anymore,"I mumbled.

Bonnie grabbed the tablet to check the cameras , but when he did the screen was static and stayed that way. They must have been moving around too much for the picture to come back. So unfortunately that wasn't even useful anymore and he put it back. His ears curved a bit like he was annoyed.

"Let's get to the stage area,"He held on to my wrist and pulled me out of the office.

I stayed quite and didn't protest because I honestly had no more ideas at this point. Not since Gold is hurt, and almost all the animatronics where controlled. When we quietly made it to the grand room, to our surprise nobody was there and it stayed more quite then usual. Bonnie seemed surprised at this as he walked up to one of the tables. I looked around the area, finding nothing so suspicious.

"tsk, tsk. don't you know the rules Bonnie?"

jumped, letting out a small gasp at that sudden, farmilier voice. At an instant Bonnie jumped upfront of me in a protective manner when I turned around. Freddy and Foxy stood a few feet away from us with thier pinpricked eyes. Bonnie couldn't get into his Animatronic form due to his body being down the hallway, so we where almost out matched.

"You traitor,"Foxy snarled.

"Have you forgotten what happened to us?"Freddy growled lowly.

"I haven't, but it's not Blair's fault. She is your friend and she didn't know about Vincent,"Bonnie explained almost desperately.

Freddy didn't looked too convinced and now looked like he was getting ready to come after me. Bonnie only secured me behind him more.
"If it's going to be that way, then to get to her, your going to have to get through me first,"Bonnie said threatening.

Freddy smirked,"That can be arranged."

Before I knew it Freddy landed a punch at Bonnie's face. Bonnie only smirked as if it didn't faze him and violence broke after that. Freddy and Bonnie fought each other, leaving me with Foxy who was ready to come after me. I already knew Bonnie can only Handle Freddy and Besides He would be dismantled if Foxy joined thier fight. Before Foxy hand a chance of getting to me, Chica appeared out of no where from behind me. Now I was backed up to a corner.

***************I SUCK AT FIGHTS***************

Foxy pinned my up against the wall with my body beatened, ripped, and sparking with electricity, fortanlty they where fixable if avoided my heart. I pant miserably as he raised his sharp hook, aiming for my chest. His voice glitched the same way Bonnie's did when controlled.

My arm hung on wires from being  broken, with cuts that exposed some of my exoskeleton. Some of my wires hung out of the cuts as Foxy began to bring down his hook forcefully. I could have died when Bonnie knocked Foxy away from me, and I fell on my butt. He continued to finish him off as I tried to stand back up...failing So miserably. Looks like the mobility in my legs are badly damaged.

I looked over to Bonnie, who was panting as much as I was. His formal suite slightly torn and messy due to the fighting. Freddy layed on the floor unconscious along with Chica and Foxy, in thier human forms and thier Animatronic body's scattered. Bonnie looked tired and worn out, but his eyes softened when he saw and hurried to me.

"Are you alright?"he neeled next to me.

I shook my head,"I would be lying if I said I was."

Now he looked more concerned then he did as he put his arms under me. Bonnie lifted me up bridle style and walked towards the stage.

"Are you okay Bonnie?"I asked concern.

he nodded,"a bit tired, but I'm fine. I'm more concerned about you though."

I sighed and layed my head down on his shoulders. Bonnie kissed my forehead for reassurance, but I still felt unsure about something.

"Bonnie...I need to see Gold,"I said suddenly.

"Why?"he raised a brow.

"I want to talk to him about Marionette, "I slightly tugged on his shirt.

He stopped and thought about it, but nodded anyway. Bonnie proceeded to the stage.

"What are you planning?"he asked curiously.

"I don't know yet,"I bit my lip.

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