CH 12: Games

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The next time I woke up I had a disturbing nightmare and woke up with a jolt. I sat up with sweat dripping down my face and a pounding headache. I rubbed my head hoping to ease the pain a bit.

"Had a nightmare kitten?"

A new voice spoke, but I already knew the owner of that menacing voice. In response I gave a glare at the ghostly male figure who had his hands behind his back. My father had a thing about appearing out of no where around the house. I took the pillow I was laying on and threw it at him out of aggravation, but it went through him.

"Why won't you leave me alone!" I fussed.

Vincent only smiled wider in amusement as I closed my eyes, then reopened them to see nothing there. the only thing I could hear was his laugh still and my mind was screaming for solitude from his presence. It was like the past coming to get me again, I didn't know how to keep him out of my head.

I looked at the clock on the wall that read eleven o'clock. I had to go get a quick snack with some coffee, then left the house with my uniform on and everything ready for the night. I've made it to the pizzeria by eleven thirty and got settled in my security office, but felt this easiness in my stomach. Something didn't seem quite right. my instincts told me to grab the tablet to check the security cameras that was around the pizzeria, but instead I saw nothing....maybe I was just being paranoid. I sat back with a sigh and pulled all my hair into my hat.

A sudden chill went up my spine when I tried to relax. I shivered a bit from the room going so cold suddenly. That's when I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I jumped with a gasp that escaped my lips. I could feel breathing down my neck that gave me goosebumps.

"Let's see how you survive tonight, I recognized the voice to be Marionette's." I wouldn't let the animatronics in tonight, that's if you want to die."

His hands left my shoulders and I whipped around in my chair. Marionette towered over me, but disappeared before I could say anything or even opened my mouth. The bell rung throughout the quite building and I quickly got my tablet again to see the three animatronics on stage staring into the camera very creepily, then the picture went static. I heard movement come from the camera, until it turned back on and now Chica was missing from the stage.

the two others on the other hand looked back the other way. Maybe it'll be time to follow Marionette's advice now, something tells me he is controlling them, but for now it's better to play his game. I had to do my job like from the first night, plus conserve power and this most likely will not be easy. Good thing I studied their movement pattern from the first night, unfortunately the other problem is that Foxy or Freddy didn't move in the first night, so their movement will be unpredictable for me. I have a feeling they are cunning when they are is best that I keep a close eye on them. Sounds easy right? Not really, in fact it's hard as hell, but I'll managed somehow.

I went to check the doors, then jumped at the sudden sound of clanging and crashing. That sounded like that came from the kitchen, but I checked anyway just to be sure. To my disappointment the camera was black and only audio was shown. There was still a good chance that Chica was running into everything in the kitchen. Some things didn't change nevertheless.

I let out a shaky breath and put down the tablet on my lap to check the doors to, still see nothing around. I took a quite glance at the camera to conserve power, but went static again just to reveal that Bonnie has now left the stage. The only one on stage now was Freddy and I checked my watch to check the time which was one forty-five. Bonnie stared into the camera with his pinpricked eyes in the parts room, while Chica changed position at the main party room , behind one of the tables. I had to admit, they looked creepier like this when they move more robotic then humans.

I put down the tablet once again and sighed, trying to relax myself. I checked the cameras once more since I heard more movement. Now Bonnie got closer as he stood down the hall and Chica stood near the restrooms. For prey, Bonnie moved like a predator and that was more scary about this.

I checked the doors quickly to make sure nobody was there, then looked back at the cameras. They changed again unfortunately, but now Bonnie stood at the corner of the west hall, Chica's shadow was down the other hall. I went to check on Freddy since its been awhile....but he now was gone.I flipped through the cameras frantically, trying to find him and sighed with relief when I did.

I felt conered at this moment and had no where to run. I made sure to check the doors before returning to the tablet. That's when I heard footsteps, rushing down the hallway. I dropped the tablet and instantly smashed the close button on the door, then heard a banging sound as soon as the door dropped.

I jumped when I heard Freddy's deep, taughting laugh. At this point my hands were trembling along with my whole body as I picked up the tablet. It felt as of my gears were going to come apart inside me. My eyes widened more at the power percentage and I curse under my breathe. The power went down fast, but the problem is that it was still going down slowly. Freddy's laughter could be heard closer and more clearly. The banging continued, making the power still go down.

I sat in my chair, putting my hands over my ears. Tears sat at the corners of my eyes...I just wanted to noise to stop. I wanted to go home and sleep. My body trembled to where every breathe I took shook with fear. How I wished Bonnie was himself so he could hold me and tell me everything was going to be alright.

I stopped when everything in the building went dark...the door flew open and I now sat in the darkness, with tears stinging my eyes. My bangs fell into my face as I looked around with big eyes. Nothing made a sound except for the shuffling I could hear in the halls, until the tune of toreador March could be heard. Tears now fell down my cheeks and I whimpered...I didn't know what else to do. I looked around the dark with my glowing Android eyes, but then an idea came into mind.

I crawled under the desk and stayed quite until the song finished. Everything fell silent afterwards, it made me uncomfortable. I quickly covered my ears as soon as I heard a loud sheik come from Freddy. I took the opportunity to sneak out fast to go hide. Good thing I was able to see in the dark or I would be a goner right now.

"You can't hide from us!!"

I heard Freddy yell shortly after my escape.

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