CH 9: Clarity

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My eyes shot open with a gasp. I tried to get up, but to be held down by something or someone. I spotted a purple bunny ear looming over me with violet hair. A pair of ruby eyes glowed with worry.

"Bonnie?" I managed to whisper.

he nodded and sat me up slowly, so that I sat next to him on the stage.

"What happened? "he asked curiously."you passed out as soon as you saw our human forms."

I ran my hand through my hair with a sigh.

"I-I just...remembered something...something important,"I said in a low, but soft voice.

"You finally remembered us,"a new voice chimed in.

I looked up to see Gold now standing in front of us now with his arm crossed and a smirk placed on his pale face, but I nodded. Bonnie lifted his eyebrows in surprise.

"But unfortunately now we have bigger issues,"he said sadly."Marionette is seeking to kill you now and we don't know how to protect you when he comes."

"Who is Marionette?"I asked curiously.

Gold put his hands behind his back.

"He is the first victim of your father," Gold explained."He was killed at the very first restaurant, and now seeks revenge for is young death. Marionette gave us life again with these suits and now we follow him. We killed any night gaurd because of what happened to us all, but when we got our revenge with the real security gaurd who killed us it seemed the we are still not yet free."

"How come?"I suddenly asked.

"We do not know,"is all he said before Gold disappeared again.

I sighed a bit and looked down to the tile floor, but felt a hand on my shoulder. Unfortunately it felt like I didn't have the energy to move my head up, but I flinched when I felt arms go around me in a tight hug.

"I've missed you so much,"I heard him whisper.

I hugged him back with tears sitting at the corner of my eyes.

"If only I knew what my father was doing,"I sighed.

Bonnie parted from me with a smirk.

"It wasn't your fault."

"Where is everyone?"I looked around, just noticing them not around.

Things where getting really serious around here, but all of us wasn't normal anyway. Though the question that came around my mind the most is that if I should tell them what I really am? In one way they will be relieved, but at the same time they would be disappointed. I wouldn't blame them really for their reaction. They are my best friends though and I should tell them everything...I have too because if I don't then they will probably get hurt.

"They all are in the office,"Bonnie snapped me out of my thoughts.

I nodded, and opened my mouth to say something when unexpectedly I got crushed by a certain female blonde's chest.

"Your awake!"Chica squealed with excitement.

I keep forgetting China was taller then me, bug I pushed her away to get some air after being engulfed in her hug. I heard Freddy chuckle with her happiness and then her sudden change of emotion to concerned.

"Are you okay sweetie?"She asked curiously.

I nodded,"I'm just fine."

"Good to hear, you had us worried here,"Foxy chimed in.

"sorry,"I rubbed the back of my neck with slight embarrassment.

Suddenly all of us jumped at the sound of the end shift bell ringing. Guess the tension was still in us all. I felt Bonnie's hand on my shoulder breaking me from my thoughts again.

"You should go get some sleep,"he suggested with a smile.

I almost protested when Freddy jumped in.

"Bonnie is right, you look like you need it right now,"Freddy folded his arms.

I kept silent and nodded. It was just best to agree with them because it is true anyway. I am tired, and I do want to go home to think everything through for a bit before my next shift.

"Ya, you guys are right,"I agreed."The past coming to life sure can take it out on me."

Bonnie smirked.

"I have one question,"Chica smiled."How can you see us?"

I gave a confused look, not understanding what she ment by that, but she saw the look on my face and decided to explain.

"When we turn human others can't see us besides the empty suits on stage,"Chica said."The only way to see us Hunan is if you were dead too."

Everyone looked at me as if wondering the same thing.

"I do not know,"I lied."Maybe I'm one of the lucky people."

China nodded and everyone else seemed satsified with my answer, but Gold stood in the distance with no surprised look on his face like the rest.

I wonder how long he's been standing in the distance. He must have heard what China asked me or further back a bit. I wondered if he knew...should I ask?

I said my goodbyes and headed out to the front while the band got back in thier suits for another day at the pizzaria. I had to unlock the doors for the other employees for today because of an early birthday party, then I walked out to my car with my keys in hand to unlock the door.

"You didn't tell them?"

I jumped in surprise of a sudde  voice behind me. I dropped my keys in the process, but turned around to see gold still standing with his arms folded.

"How do you know?"I asked.

Gold smiled,"I have the same powers as Marionette. It's easy to tell what you are, plus I looked through your memories."

I looked down, finding the ground more interesting , but Gold's footsteps got closer to me and he lifted my head by my chin with two fingers.

"I'm going to tell them tomorrow," I looked away."I promise....I just need more time to think how I'm going to explain it to them."

He nodded, understanding what I said.

"Do you need me to accompany you home?"he asked like a gentlemen, but I shook my head.

"I'll be fine Gold."

His generosity made me smile at him and I picked up my keys to unlock my door like I was doing before. Gold disappeared while I could already see the sun's rays peaking through the buildings. My car was still the only thing in the parking lot and I sighed. I ran my finger's through my tangled midnight blue hair. It's clear I had a lot of thinking to do before my next shift....

when the past comes back (Bonnie love story)Where stories live. Discover now