Make Me

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I arrived on the college campus and was once again struck in awe. No matter how many time I saw the magnificent brick buildings and cherry trees which slowly shed their blossoms that fluttered to the ground, I had to stop and admire it all. My parents as well as many others, were there to wave their babies goodbye.

"Alright Blair, honey. Were gonna take one last picture and then we'll be off." My mom said with teary eyes. She had been like this all morning. From the moment we had stepped onto the campus until now. My mom was a mess. I pulled her into a hug and she snapped a few more pictures.

I had already been to my orientation and been through all the general freshman stuff. I had been here in Washington for about a week now. I had moved myself from the dry Arizona weather to the much more wet Washington one. I had always been drawn to the weather and aura that Washington gave off, and it helped that the university up here was very well credited in my major.

My parents had very graciously helped me lug my car and all my stuff up to the rainy state. My parents had also suprised me by getting me an apartment of my very own. They knew that I would have died having to live in the dorms. I wasn't a social one. I much rather prefered being locked indoors, undisturbed and reading. Plus having to share toilets and showers, yuck! No thank you.

All that was left for me to do now was start my classes tomorrow. I had been dropped off at university by my parents and sister, I planned to walk around and investigate where my classes were before tomorrow. It was better to be prepared and know what you were doing then look stupid.

After saying many teary goodbyes, and I mean my dad got a little choked up too, my parents got into the car. Me and my sister waved our parents goodbye and my sister stalled a bit by my side. We were lucky enough to be going to the same university, even if she didn't like having her baby sister around. She also was living in an apartment off campus but she shared it with some of her friends and her boyfriend. It was still comforting knowing that my older sister was somewhere close by.

"I know you'll do great kiddo." She ruffled my hair. I huffed an tried to fix it.

"Hey I'm not a kid anymore! And I'm only like two years younger than you."

And I was. Though we couldn't be anymore different. She was gorgeous. She'd actually just recently taken up a modeling job. She had silky black hair, thin waist, and legs that seemed to go on forever, which made anybody look twice. It didn't help that she was one of the sweetest people you could ever meet. She got along with everybody and had no trouble meeting new people and doing new things. She was always out on weekends at parties and she had no problem flirting with boys.

Not me, I was the complete opposite. I was pretty but not like my sister. My brown wavy hair had a mind of its own, and while I had brown eyes my sister had lovely hazel ones. I also wasn't a people person. I guess you could call me an introvert. I prefered books and tv series to actual people. I also never got invited to parties and couldn't even think about talking to boys.

My sister patted my shoulder, bringing me back to reality.

"Just try to relax a little and have some fun okay?" She told me, knowing full well I probably wouldn't.

"Okay I'm off, just try and do what I say okay?" And with a tight hug goodbye, my sister was off. And just like that I was alone.

"Bye Taylor" I whispered after her, even though I knew she was too far and wouldn't hear me.

It was time to get serious and actually do what I had come to do. I pulled out a map which I had conveinetly packed, along with my keys, cell phone, and other miscellaneous objects, into my much coveted brown satchel. I had had my trusty bag since my junior year of high school and hadn't gone a day without it since.


After spending an hour or two stumbling across the campus, I was exhausted, mentally and physically. It had taken me a lot longer to locate a few rooms. I was ready to head to my new apartment and sleep. I just wanted to barge past the first day of school. I always hated the first day of school, it was just so awkward. You didn't know anybody and you didn't know where you were suppose to sit. It was seriously my worst nightmare.

I was honestly getting a headache just thinking about it. I needed to calm my nerves a bit, I decided it was a good a time as any to go get some coffee. I had seen many little coffee stands around school and most of them were already open.

I retraced my steps to where I assumed was the last one that I had seen, and to my suprise it was right where I thought it should be. I had never been one to remember stuff associated with directions.

I stepped into line behind a guy who looked to be in his mid-twenties. This guys shoulders were so broad he was completely blocking my view of the menu board. I resigned myself to just pout in line and wait my turn, instead of trying to see past him, which would've been impossible anyways.

I picked at the bottom of my pale pink dress, watching it as it fluttered in the slight breeze. This morning I had pulled on one of my favorite pink dresses. It was such a lovely shade and complemented my olive skin tone pretty nicely. I also had put on some leather sandals and tossed my hair into an acceptably cut messy bun. And although it was mid September it was still pleasantly warm.

I heard the man order his drink but I wasn't paying too much attention to what he was saying. I had caught sight of a cute little bird which was trying to stealthily sneak behind a couple who were disgustingly making out and the small bird snatched their whole bag off food. I couldn't help but laugh, the couples face when they realize hat had happened was too much.

"Excuse me! Next!... Next!... Are you going to order anything or not?" A thick Irish accent caught me off gaurd. I turned my attention back to the coffee stand.

That's when I first saw him.


Ah! I've always wanted to write a punk Niall story! Im so excited and I just can't hide it!

....Anyways I'm not quite sure where it's going to go though... So any suggestions are appreciated (though I do have some ideas of my own).

Song for this chappy is: Blink 182 Going Away to College

That's all :] ~ Cosmic_Tears

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