*Chapter Five*

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Somehow I managed to pull into the parking lot of a grocery store without killing us both in a car crash. My focus really needed more focus.

I turn off my car and sit their awkwardly for a second. Neither Niall or I make a move. I cough awkwardly. Jeez this entire car ride has been awkward.

"So do you wanna get off or do you wanna stay in here? Either or is fine." I ask, messing with my car keys not really looking at him.

A click from my right side makes me look in his direction. The car door is open. "I'm going with you babe." I huff and roll my eyes. As much as I don't want to leave a stranger in my car, I also don't want to have him in the store with me. I could just imagine the catastrophe that was about to occur.


Once again my head snaps towards Niall, except Niall is no longer in the car. It must've been him slamming my car door that got my attention. He must've gotten tired of sitting in silence, you know like most people would.

I watch as he walks, circling the front of my car. He is probably just going to walk into the store by himself. Jeez I am such an idiot! I mean I guess I wanted to go shopping by myself, but I hadn't wanted him to know that. I guess I got what I wanted, right?

I watch as Niall surprises me and rounds the bend of my car. He moves towards my door. Then the unthinkable happens. He opens it. I sit there, seatbelt still on, gawking at him. Did he just-?... Did that just-?... What?!

My mind is a blank and I'm still staring at Niall in disbelief.

"You know I'm trying to be gentlemanly, and your not making it any easier." I can't help but chuckle.

"Okay! Okay!" I unbuckle myself and get out of the car. "Thanks."

"No problem babe." I hold back a sigh, and we start walking towards the store.

"Hey that's the first time you didn't say anything 'bout me calling you babe." Niall looks at me, grinning crookedly.

"Don't get used to it, Horan". Even though I mean it as a warning, I can't help smiling at him.


As we enter the grocery store I immediately turn towards the fresh produce. Niall and I get into a rhythm. I walk ahead and grab the items I need and Niall follows behind me, pushing the cart.

I glance back at him and start laughing, almost dropping the bag of tomatoes I have in my hands. His eyes snap back from the food he was eyeing mere seconds ago, to me. He cocks one of his eyebrows questioningly. I ignore him and tug the cart forward.

As I glance back at him once more, I can't help but chuckle a little again. Niall looks so out of place. His black Jack Daniels tank, tight black skinnies, and his pale tattooed and pierced skin stand out in such a domestic place. The tired looking moms, who've come to the grocery store to find an escape from their screaming children, glance at Niall. I watch as some of the younger looking women glance at him multiple times, wantingly. Ew. These cougars really needed to get a grip.

"What?" Niall laughs at my face, which I didn't realize I had been scrunching in disgust. I watch as a lady with long blonde hair and sky high legs saunters past us, eyeing Niall.

I lean across the edge of the cart towards Niall, he mimics my actions.

"Do women throw themselves at you every where you go?" I raised an eyebrow at him, slightly annoyed. Niall's eyes go wide, his mouth opens wordlessly. I can tell that that is not what he thought I was going to say. He scans the store quickly and his eyes land on the blonde who is still looking at him. He looks back at me and I give him an I-Told-You-So look. Slowly I see a smirk come over his lips and he begins to lean on the cart as he turns towards the blonde. I watch as they lock eyes. I watch as she begins to blush and flutter her eyelashes. Then Niall winks at her. By this time I'm so done with the whole situation and am completely grossed out, so I do what anybody would do. I pull the cart out from under Niall. I watch as he stumbles, almost falling on the floor, his face turning bright red. Before I know it I'm laughing. I can't stop either, the laugh comes bursting out and is relentless. I lean on the cart for support and slowly begin to wheel it away, a fuming Niall close behind.

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