*Chapter Seven*

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I pause unsure of what to do.

An uneasiness in his eyes tells me he feels the same.

Before I can even think to open my mouth to say anything, the kitchen door opens again. I watch as a tall, lanky, beautiful girl walks in. She looks absolutely stunning even with her messy brown hair and no makeup on. Her perfectly sun tanned skin has no imperfections and her pale blue eyes are hauntingly beautiful. And even though she is wearing an oversized shirt and the shortest shorts possible, it still looked like she could very well be ready for any runway.

I watch as she walks over to Niall and slings her arms around him. She whispers something into his ear and slowly kisses his neck.

Ouch. So much for asking about me, looks like he got over that really quick.

I hear my sister clear her throat. "Uhm... Barbara this is Blair, my younger sister." The girl, presumably Barbara looks up as if realizing for the first time that we are in the room too.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." She smiles really wide, laying her head down on Niall's shoulder.

"Nice to meet you." I whisper not even caring if she hears me. I spin around back towards the counter. I clutched onto the edge, trying to calm myself. I wasn't sure if I wanted to scream or cry, or both.

This is not how I expected my morning to go.

I feel my sister gently touch one of my hands that was on the counter. I looked up at her and she gave me a sincerely apologetic smile. I felt myself calm down and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I knew this wasn't her fault, but I would have liked a warning.

"Mmm that smells yummy. Do you need help with anything?" Barbara asked coming to stand next to my sister. Damn she was not only beautiful, but she was nice too. I vaguely listened as my Taylor started talking to her.

Throughout the entire conversation I could feel Niall staring at the back of my head. I had to force myself not to look back, not to give in.

Don't look back.

Don't do it Blair.

You'd be giving in.

He wants you to look back.

Don't do it!

But of course after about five minutes my resolve faded and I gave in. I glanced back at him and as soon as our eyes met he motioned for me to go to him. I shook my head at him, before dropping my eyes from him and looking back to the stove. I wasn't going to talk to him about this. Especially not with Miss America still in the room. I mean there really was nothing to talk about. We weren't a couple. I had never texted him back. There were absolutely no mutual feelings between us, right?

So why did I feel like he had punched me right in the gut.

"Hey Blair can you get the plates, third cabinet to your left." My sister startled me out of my thoughts. She looked at me for a long time before moving her eyes back towards Niall. My sister was setting me up to go talk to him. I glared at her for a full three seconds, before I noticed that Barbara was watching me. I quickly grabbed four plates and headed towards the dining table which was settled nicely into a corner. I felt as Niall's eyes stayed glued to me as I walked past him. I ducked my head, not wanting to meet his eyes.

"Blair." I jumped as I heard a whisper from behind me. I didn't look back. I couldn't. So instead I started putting the plates down, going around the table. Trying my best to ignore him.

"Blair. We need to talk." He's still whispering, probably scared that Barbara will hear. I turn around and stare him right in his eyes.

"There's nothing to talk about Niall." I say completely unamused, thrusting the last plate into his hands. I turn around to stalk back towards the cabinets to grab cups when a loud crash and bang come through the door.

"Gooooood morning!" A chorus of male voices echo through the kitchen. I blink and a sudden whirlwind of three guys in black sweep into the kitchen. I stop mid-step unsure of what to do. Before I even have a chance to move I am pounced on like an antelope in a lion's den.

"Why hello there love, and who might you be?" Says a deep voice coming from a curly haired boy with dazzling green eyes and dimples, who is suddenly standing before me. He's wearing a simple black shirt and skinnies that look like you couldn't pry them off of him no matter how hard you tried. On top of all this he has a British accent. Like really? Where does my sister find these guys?!

Suddenly a mysteriously tall, dark, and handsome guy pushes his way foreword.

"Don't you think it's a little rude to just jump on her like that?" He asks the curly haired guy, but he only chuckles and shoulders the dark haired guy. He looked quite intense in his leather jacket and all black clothing. His jacket had its sleeves rolled back and I could see full sleeve tattoos on both of his arms. I had never been attracted to "bad boys", but this guy was super model beautiful.

Before I can dwell in my shocked state for much longer, a hand grabs onto the curly haired boys shoulder. I look up and find the most brilliantly blue eyes staring at me before they glance back at curly-Q. He was wearing a light wash denim jacket and a black shirt and dark skinnies. I could see the top of a chest tattoo peeping out from the top of his shirt.

"Are you one of Taylor's new roommates?" He leaned a little closer and whispered. " 'cause we all know they come and go." He pointedly looked at Barbara. I couldn't help and chuckle at that one. This guy was funny I liked him. Before I could answer him though my sister interjected.

"Guys that's not my roommate... That's Blair my sister." And like that suddenly the boys are all oohing.

"Blair..." Curly-Q whispers with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Ah the ever so infamous Blair." Blue eyes is looking at me, trying to suppress a smile.

Slowly I watch as they all begin to smirk, and I realize that they're not smirking at me. They're smirking at something that's behind me. I glance back and theres Niall looking mad as hell. I don't understand. Niall's been talking to them about me? Then why the hell is he here with Barbara. I can feel myself getting annoyed again. I turn back around to the boys.

"Alright well it's good to know that you guys know who I am... But who the hell are you guys?" I snap my mouth shut. That was not what I had wanted to say, but it had slipped out. Instead of getting offended though, they were suddenly laughing.

"Taylor I like this one!... Can we keep her?" Curly-Q yells at my sister.

"Of course we're keeping her you dipshit... She's my sister."


Helllooo guys :) I was going to continue this chapter and just make it a tremendously long one but I decided it would be best to cut it in half and make two chapters out of it. c(:

Song for this chapter is: The Neighborhood Afraid

See ya soon my amigos! ~ Cosmic_Tears

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