*Chapter Four*

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"Get in" I repeated myself, not sure if he heard me the first time.

He looked at me wearily. He was still leaning against my open window. I could tell, even in the dim lighting, that he was reluctant to do so. I leaned on my armrest towards him.

"Listen here..." I tried to rake my brain quickly but failed. "Erm what's your last name?" I could feel my cheeks slowly heating up. I am such a fool. He threw his head back and laughed. Hmm, he had a nice laugh.

"It's Horan, babe." Oh, yup I was definitely blushing like a tomato by now. I tried to put on a serious face again, while trying to ignore my traitorous cheeks.

"Okay... Listen here Horan, I'm trying to be a good civilian and give you a ride. I could have just as easily kept driving and left your ass walking... And right now I'm wishing I had." I muttered the last part under my breath, but he still heard me.

He raised his hands in surrender and moved to open the door.

I watched as his gangly limbs struggled to get into my low car. He finally thwacked down into the passenger seat, his knees basically stabbing his neck.

I couldn't help but chuckled, he looked so uncomfortable it was hilarious. He shot dangers at me from his eyes.

"There's a knob on the side, just press it." His large hand scampered around the side of the seat until I heard an audible click. The seat swooshed back, giving his legs more room.

"Thanks." He gave me a sideways glance.

"No problemo." He chuckled. I wanted to whack myself. Why was I acting like such a dork.

I made my way back onto the road. I loved how even though it was late at night, the city was still thriving with activity. The energy finding its way into me and giving me a slight buzz. I had always been a night owl and in a city like Seattle, I was more than ecstatic.

"So where were you-" I stopped. After glancing at him, it was clear that he wasn't wearing his seatbelt. I knew that if I said anything he would just call me some sort of name or laugh at me.

"What?" He asked, clearly knowing that I had stopped mid sentence for a reason.

"Nothing, just wanted to know where you were headed." I lied, hoping he'd buy it. He sat up a bit straighter, turning his body towards me, staring at me intently. I nervously chewed at the inside of my lip. I was a really terrible liar.

"Nope, nope that's not it. What were you gonna say?" He prodded me.

"It was nothing!" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Tell me."

"No! You're just going to make fun of me." I said quietly, without looking at him.

"I promise I won't." He seemed sincere enough, and I mean we are both adults so we should both be taking our safety seriously. You don't see me driving without my seatbelt on.

"You're not wearing your seatbelt." He looked amused and when I glanced at him, his eyes were glistening.

"Hmm wadya say?" He was teasing me now.

"I said you're not wearing your seatbelt!" That's all it took, I could hear him trying to suppress his laughter. Suddenly he burst. He threw himself back against the seat and laughed. He clutched his stomach from how much he was laughing. I could feel myself wanting to laugh with him. His laugh was so contagious, but I remembered that I was supposed to be angry at him for laughing and quickly cranked up my radio to try and ignore his laughter.

I listened to one of my favorite songs, ( Late by Issues) listened as the lyrics poured around me. For a few seconds I almost forgot Niall was in the car with me, but of course he had to ruin the peaceful moment. His hand moved and lowered the volume.

"That's why I didn't want to tell you." I said the annoyance slipping into my voice.

"Sorry babe, I'll put on my seatbelt now." And by some miracle he did. I smiled triumphantly.

"That's a good song by the way." I turned my head quickly when he started singing along. His sweet Irish accent complementing Tyler Carter's perfectly. His fingers drumming against his thigh, along to the beat.

I relaxed a little bit. Being around Niall makes me feel on edge and nervous, but right now, it's nice, his voice is soothing and melodic. If I close my eyes I can almost imagine that he's singing to me. I almost wish he's singing to me.

As the thought crosses my mind, I come out of the trance and am shocked. Why would I want him to sing to me? I barely met this guy and am sure that after tonight I won't be seeing much of him.

I awkwardly cough, catching Niall's attention. He immediately stops singing. I can tell he hadn't meant to start singing and his silence told me that he wasn't planning to again. I was both relieved and disappointed.

The silence that followed was awkward and almost palpable. I glanced at him quickly, only to find that his jaw was set and he was staring out the window. A slight rain began to fall.

Suddenly I realized that I had no idea where I was going.

"Niall..." I almost whispered, afraid to break the silence. His head snapped towards me, his eyes much softer than I had expected them to be. After a few seconds of eye contact he turned back towards the widow and I looked back at the road. God if this continued I was definitely going to end up crashing. Focus Blair focus!

"Hmmm..." In an odd way I could even hear his accent in this single "hmm".

"Where did you want me to take you?" He gave me an address and recognized it as a road close to where my apartment was.

He yawned and began stretching. I watched him, like the creep I am. His eyes were shut tightly. His arms went back behind his headrest and his legs stretched out as far as possible, which wasn't much. His muscles contracting and releasing. His shirt slowly rising.

"Shit." I muttered as I steered the car back into my lane, not having been paying attention to where I was going. Niall slowly opened his eyes and smirked at me.

"Enjoying the view."

"No." I lied.

"Mhmm" he crossed his arms smugly across his chest.

I groaned as I suddenly realized I still had to go grocery shopping. I glanced at Niall.

"Hey is it okay if I make a quick stop at a grocery store?" I didn't want to take him with me but the grocery store was before both of our houses and I really didn't want to make a trip back this way. Gas is damn expensive.

"I've got all night." I could hear the smirk in his voice.


It's been a while since I last updated! So sorry! Life man, it gets in the way ;)

Okay enough with the tomfoolery, hopefully I'll start updating regularly again. I will try my hardest!

Song for this chapter is: Issues Later

Okay I'm outie! ~ Cosmic_Tears

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