*Chapter Two*

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Oh shit!

I quickly slipped behind me sister, not wanting to be seen. Taylor tried to crane her neck around, to see what I was doing. A confused frown slowly made its way onto my sisters face. I stood on my tiptoes, still behind her, and whispered into her ears.

"There's somebody here who I don't want to see." She gave me a weird look, but started walking anyways, angling her body towards the group of people in her living room. Hiding me from them. I let out a sigh. I loved my sister. I glanced up at her and I could see her eyes scanning the group, in curiousity.

The kitchen was pretty close to the main door that I had come in from, and I let out a sigh of relief as the door shut behind us. Glad that nobody was inside this little enclosed kitchen. The heady aroma of food being cooked instantly filled all of my senses.

"Who is it that you could've already gotten into trouble with?" She questioned, but I couldn't think the smell of food was intoxicating. Before I knew it my sister shoved a few fries into my practically open mouth. I instictively began chewing and almost died.

"Best fries ever!" I squealed with joy! My sister knew that fries were my kryptonite, and these were spectacular.

I took of my cardigan and tossed it over one of the stool seats that bordered her island, then I hopped up onto the counter right next to where she was cooking. My stomach growled loudly, and my sister knowingly placed a plate of homemade fries on my lap.

I quickly devoured fry after fry, watching as my sister made the best hamburger I had ever seen. The smell was intoxicating. Over the sound of sizzling meat and bacon, my sister glanced over at me.

"So who is it? What's the deal?" She asked.

"It's a boy." I said blushing, while still shoveling fries into my mouth. My sisters eyebrow shot up when she heard it was a guy, she knew of my reluctance to speak to the male species.

Before she could ask me what had happened, her boyfriend, Liam, walked through the door. His eyes glanced to me, surprised. Taylor and him had been going out for over a year, the longest she'd ever been with any guy, so we had met on a few different occasions.

"Hey Blair." His deep rough voice startled me, as if he was used to seeing me here, I was suprised he even remembered my name. His pale fingers went straight to his hair, he messed it around a bit, then his brown eyes flickered back to me. I glanced at him. When I had first met him he was all skin and bones, he had now gained some weight,and some new tattoos. He looked healthy though, and not like he was going to die from starvation at any moment. I guess my sister had been cooking for him.

As if remembering something, Liam suddenly lurched forward, towards my sister. His hands wrapped around her waist and he ducked his head to her neck. Taylor's eyes closed. I cleared my throat awkwardly, feeling as if I was intruding in their private moment.

"Babe, come out and have some fun with us, you've been locked up in this kitchen too long." I heard him whisper into her neck. Taylor's eyes suddenly snapped open and she glanced at me.

"I can't Liam, Blair's here, plus you know I don't like leaving dishes unwashed." I felt a twinge of guilt stir within me. I reached over to touch her hand.

"Taylor go have fun, I'll be fine in here promise. I got the dishes too," I stopped her as she tried to interupt me. "It's the least I can do since you cooked me all this," I said lifting up my hamburger. "So go, I'll be fine." I smiled at her reassuringly.

"... Okay, okay, okay. But only for a little bit, I'll be back okay?" She looked at me and I nodded.

"Alright party time!" Liam yelled, and immediately began pulling Taylor out the room. She glanced back at me apologetically, and I gave her a reassuring smile once more. Then with a slam of the door, I was alone. The only sound I could hear was the sound of the bass thumping through the air.


I slowly indulged in the amazing hamburger my sister had made, letting the flavors melt in my mouth. I groaned in frustration when I was finished. Sliding off of the counter, I began gathering the dishes and sticking them into the sink. As much as I hated washing dishes, along with the fact that this apartment didn't have a dishwasher, my sister had fed me and she deserved, at the least, not to wash the dishes.

As I turned on the faucet and started scrubbing at some of the dishes, I heard a familiar beat come on. I listened closer and soon realized that it was one of my favorite songs. Trey Songz "Na Na" was playing. Almost automatically my hips started moving, winding circles and moving back and forth. Although I was the most shy and awkward person, I still could dance, mostly because my mom was Latina, and it just came naturally.

I was still humming and dancing to the song when the door opened, unnoticed by me.

"I thought I saw you come in earlier."

No, no, no. I knew that accent anywhere. I slowly turned off the faucet and reached for a towel to dry my hands with. I made sure to take my time as I turned on my heels.

It had to be karma! How was it possible that the one person I didn't want to see, was standing right in front of me. I groaned, leaning back against the sink. He smirked at me, taking a step forward.

"Mmm didn't think a girl like you would even know how to move like that." I angrily stared at him. This guy had balls, and if he wished to keep them, he better learn how to keep his mouth shut. I ground my teeth together as he took another step towards me.

"No sarcastic remark now?" He smirked, making sure I knew he remembered me. I stayed silent, fuming in anger. Watching silently as he took another step towards me.

He was too close, one more step and we would be toe to toe. I glared at him, angry that he felt it was okay for him to just so casually come and invade my personal space.

I hadn't noticed the cigarette in his hand, until he brought it up to his lips and inhaled. He held it in his mouth for a second and then leaned his head back and exhaled. Mmmm his throat was so enticing, in that second I forgot that I was angry at him, and wanted only to attack his neck. I snapped myself out of my own thoughts, and mentally slapped myself. This is what he wanted, he wanted me to want him.

He took the last step towards me, placing both of his hands by my waist, on the counter. He leaned forward, hovering over my body. His breath smelled not only of the cigarette, but also strongly of liquor.

"You know, I really like it when girls know how to dance." He tried to lean in even closer, but I pushed him back with both of my palms pushing at his chest.

"You know, I really don't like when guys are smoking and are drunk." I shot back at him. He only smirked. After a few minutes passed in angry silence, he spoke up.

"You know you can take your hands off of me." I glanced at my hands still firmly placed on his chest. I snapped them back to my side, and felt my cheeks heating up. Damn body betraying me again.

"But you can leave them there, I don't mind." He eyes twinkled mischeviously. "I wouldn't mind if you kept touching me." His mouth turned up at one end, crookedly.

"You probably say that to all the girls." I scoffed, rolling my eyes. But he suddenly took my chin in his hand. Making me look at him.

"No I don't." His eyes suddenly becoming somber. I bit back the sarcastic remark that was on the tip of my tongue. He leaned in. His mouth getting closer and closer to mine. My eyes closed and I leaned into him. Damn body. I couldn't help it though, no matter how much I yelled at my body to pull away, it wouldn't.

I was only a few centimeters from his lips. I felt his lips open slightly and his breath hit my lips, and without even thinking about it, my mouth opened ever so slightly. Then his soft lips ghosted over mine.


Are they gonna kiss? Omg?!! ≖‿≖

Well guys please leave comments, vote, all that good stuff. I'll give you a virtual cookie if you do :)

Anyways song for this chappy is: Trey Songz Na Na (of course)

Okay see ya later alligators ~ Cosmic_Tears

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