*Chapter Six*

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The next few weeks passed in a blur. Life as a college student was different from anything I had experienced in the past. Being on my own for the first time in my life was both exhilarating and frightening all at the same time.

My classes where amazing, and being in a class full of people who truly wanted to learn the subject was really refreshing. Though being in advanced math and science classes, along with a few engineering classes, really limited how much girl interaction I was getting. I mean guy friends are fine and all but there's just some things that you can only talk about with girls.

Since the first day of school I detoured the routes I took to my classes specifically to avoid the little coffee shop where Niall worked at. I knew it was childish but I did not want to bump into him. I don't know that I can mentally or physically take much more of him. I'd only been in close vicinity with him twice, and both times I said and did stupid things. He brought out something in me that I wasn't sure I liked. I have always been quiet and kind of introverted. I was only ever funny or silly around my family or my really close friends.


It only took me a week or so to realize that the weather in Washington was completely different from Arizona's. Within that week the weather had drastically changed. It was getting much colder and there were more rain showers than I had seen total in Arizona.

The other thing that came with the cold weather was the intense thunder storms. It's one thing to be stuck in a storm surrounded by other people and a totally different thing to be completely alone in one. When the first storm struck, I was scared to death. I hadn't realized how terrifying it would be to be alone in an apartment, completely surrounded by darkness (because of course the power had to go out) with only a few flickering candles around you.

The next day I decided I needed a small furry companion and that it would be the perfect time to get a feline friend.

I had had a cat back home and being completely alone I decided that now would be the perfect time to adopt a new one. So I went into a local adoption center and found myself a new little fluffy friend. I was instantly attracted to a fluff ball long haired Siamese kitten. It's physical appearance along with its playful nature reminded me of the lemur off of Avatar the Last Airbender, so of course the name stuck, and soon enough me and Momo were heading back to my apartment.

Even though I had my newfound friend, I was still getting extremely homesick. Even though I would Skype or call my parents whenever I could, sometimes I would just get extremely lonely. It didn't help that whenever I wanted to hang out with Taylor she was busy. Most nights I would just cuddle with Momo and try to forget how lonely I actually was.

It was on one particularly lonely night that I just couldn't take it anymore. I was on the verge of tears and just needed to cuddle with someone. I needed to be around something familiar and comforting.

So I decided it was time to make a call. I nervously waited as I heard the elongated ringing through my speaker.

"Blair?" The groggy voice questioned.

"Yeah." I half whispered, feeling bad for calling so late now.

"... What time is it?" I heard bed sheets shuffling. "It's almost midnight. Why are you calling so late?"

"Can I just come over?" I was afraid to ask. Afraid to be rejected.

"Yeah of course. Text me when your outside so I can open the door. Okay Hun?" Sometimes my sister was the best and I almost cried with joy.

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