*Chapter One*

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That's when I glanced up at him and froze.

I saw his brilliant blue eyes before anything else. His hair had obviously been dyed blonde, his brown roots were showing. His loose black shirt did nothing to hid the tattoos which were littered across his pale skin. His name tag read NIALL.

I heard him clear his throat. My eyes snapped back up to his face. A smirk was planted across his face.

"Are you gonna order anything...or are you just gonna keep staring." His Irish voice teased me. I blushed madly, while slowly narrowing my eyes and glaring at him. He had some real balls teasing me like this.

I glanced at the menu really quick and replied, "Gimme a grande carmel frapachino, no whip." He charged me for my drink and instantly turned around and began working on my drink. I could see his muscles contract as he worked on my drink. His pale skin was such a nice contrast to his tattoos which covered all of his right arm and some of his left.

I mentally slapped myself. Here I was drooling over this guy! I needed to get it together, I didn't want to give him anymore reasons to tease me. I broke my stare and forced myself to look away from him. I usually wasn't attracted to guys like him, the "bad boys". That was more of my sisters type. I usually didn't pay much attention to guys, I mean there was homework and books to read, but I was usually attracted to the cute geeky dorks. You know the ones that usually are at the front of the class, intensely hanging on the professors every word. Yup, that's my type of guy.

My train of thought was burst as previously stated "bad boy" slid my drink across the counter. He looked at me one more time and one side of his mouth twitched upwards.

"Have a good day." I squinted. That cute accent wasn't going to affect me.

"Don't tell me what to do." I huffed an twirled on my heels and marched away. I caught a glimpse of his stunned face as I marched away.

When I was sure he was out of sight and could no longer hear me, I stopped and leaned against the closest tree. My tough exterior melted and a slow giggle built up until I was full on laughing. I can't believe I just did that! I had always heard people did stuff like that, but never in a million years did I think I was going to! It actually felt great to see his stunned face!

I wiped a tear that had escaped from the corner of my eye. I sighed and regained a normal posture. A few rogue giggles escaped my lips and I continued walking.

I really hoped I never saw that guy again, that would be awkward.

When I arrived at my apartment I was dead tired. I had opted out of taking the bus and walked home. Worst mistake of my life, it was a much longer walk than I had anticipated.

I threw myself on my couch and died. As I was slowly dying my stomach decided it was a nice time to alert me that it too was dying and that I needed to feed it before it ate all my other internal intestines. I groaned and bashed my head against my sofa.

How had I been so stupid. My mother had specifically told me at least thirty times to go to the store and pick up some food. I had even walked by at least three grocery stores. My stupidity sometimes even astounded me.

I very unwillingly got up and trudged towards my fridge, praying that some miracle had occurred and filled my fridge with food magically. As I opened my fridge with baited breath, I almost cried when there was nothing inside.

As I was about to crawl up in a ball and just let myself starve to death, my cell phone began incessantly ringing. The ring tone caught my attention at once. It was my sisters. I rushed to grab my phone from my purse. My sister wasn't one to call, she prefered to text.

"Hello?" My voice a bit hoarse from letting out the defeated cry and crying a little bit earlier.

"Are you crying?" My sisters smooth voice replied, and before I could say a word my sister interupted me. "Oh my gosh Blair don't tell me you forgot to get food."

My sister had a love for food just as great as I did, so the thought of me foodless was just as appalling to her as it was to me.

"Yes" My voice came out as a whine. I heard her let out a small gasp.

"Alright this is perfect then! I was calling you to invite you to a pre-first-day-of-school party but know that I know you don't have anything to eat, you have to come. I'll give you something to eat over here." I was quiet, if I was going to go to the trouble of going to my sisters I might as well just go to the grocery store. Taylor heard the resistance in my silence and spoke up once again.

"Blair I'm not giving you an option here! I'm telling you that you're going to come over and then I'm going to feed you! Now don't make me go over there and drag you to my apartment!" I couldn't help but laugh! My sister could be annoyingly happy but even worse she was always annoyingly motherly. It didn't help that she was going after a culinary degree and wanted to cook food for everybody all the time, though I wasnt complaining.

"Okay okay!" I laughed out, I knew that there was no fighting my sister. "I'll be there in five."

I hung up and grabbed a slouchy gray cardigan, that was thrown on my couch, and threw it on over my dress. Even though during the day it had been warm, during the night it did drop a good amount of degrees. I also swapped my sandals for plain gray flats.

I walked over to my bathroom and made sure my makeup was nicely touched up. From the amount of noise that was in the background when my sister called, I could tell that there were already people there. I had even heard a small thumping beat, somebody had set up a stereo.


Five minutes later when I arrived outside of my sisters apartment, I was a bundle of nerves. I should have just told my sister that I was tired and would just go get some fast food. I really didn't want to go to this party, especially when most of the people there would be upperclassmen.

I reluctantly got out of my car, knowing full well that if I flaked on my sister now there would be hell to pay later.

I sighed as I walked towards the building. Once inside I found my way to an elevator and made my way up towards the fifth floor. As soon as I approached my sisters door, I could already hear the muffled bass making its way through the door and walls.

I knocked on the door and almost instantly my sister opened it and was standing there, smile from ear to ear. She ushered me in, but gave me no time to move as she grabbed me by the crook of my arm, and pulled me in.

As I took my first few steps inside, I froze.

Oh shit!


Ohhohho *mischievous laughter* what made her stop? Hehe you'll just have to find out! ≖‿≖

Anyways the song for this chappy is: Yuna Rescue

Lots of love ~ Cosmic_Tears

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