*Chapter Thirteen*

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Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.

I could hear an incessant thumping right next to my ear. And while the thumping was the most overpowering thing I could hear, there was another type of thumping in the background. This one had more of a melodic rhythm to it. Music? Had I left my stereo on last night? I groggily tried to remember, but couldn't quite recall. Why was I even awake right now? Even though I hadn't opened my eyes yet, I could tell it was still dark out. I sighed, and tried snuggling deeper into my blankets.

Suddenly I stopped. There was something hard right to me. I froze. What was going on? I reached my hand out in front of my face only to run into something solid. I heard a muffled groan from above me. Slowly I looked up, only to catch a glimpse of a silver lip ring and blonde hair.


Finally all the sleep was gone from my mind and I was beginning to think clearly. What the hell was Niall doing sleeping next to me? I looked around a bit, and could tell that we were shoved onto my couch, basically pressed to each other. I could feel Niall's legs were intertwined with mine, and his arm right underneath my head. I couldn't help but blush. This was the first time I had slept next to a guy.

I glanced up at him once more. He looked so young and serene when he didn't have a condescending smirk or scowl plastered to his face. His face was completely void of all the negative emotions that he had been sporting lately. I also began to notice little things that I hadn't before. He had a small hole on the the other side of his mouth, maybe he had had another lip piercing before? I also hadn't noticed the ever so slight dip at his chin. His hair was also completely messed up, sticking up at all different types of angles. There were a couple of pieces that were sticking to his forehead. Ever so slowly I shifted so I could reach my hand up. I had to move those pieces of hair. As my hand slowly came closer and closer to his face, I could feel my heart begin to thudder in my chest a bit louder and faster. Slowly ever so slowly my hand made its way to his face. I just needed to move these strands of hair then I would get up and go to my bed and fall back to sleep, I just needed to move his hair...

"No!" His voice suddenly cut through the silence, making me jump and almost faint from the fright. Was he awake?

"Nooooooo...." This time it came out as more of an angry groan.

"Stop...please don't...stoooop." The corners of his mouth were twitching, his eyes clenched shut tightly. His expression shifted from completely frightened to raging anger. I wasn't sure what to do, aren't you not supposed to wake a sleeping person?... Or is that just a sleepwalking thing? 

Suddenly he shifted, his whole body turning, flopping on top of mine. I felt the breath go out of my lungs as his body weight suddenly was on top of me. Screw not wanting to wake him up, if he didn't move I would die from lack of oxygen.

"Niall." I whispered, trying to push him off of me. 

"Niall." I repeated myself, a little louder.


It was getting significantly harder to breath, I needed him off of me now.

"Niall move! I need you off of me now!" I tried to push him off of me, but he was heavier than he appeared. I kept pushing though, pushing on his upper body. Suddenly I felt his body move, ever so slightly, and that slightly was all I needed. There was just enough space for me to slide off of the couch. Of course as I tried to slide off of the couch I ended up flopping onto the floor. Hard.

"Ouch." I couldn't help but mutter. I lay there for a second, before I heard shifting from the couch above me. Are you kidding? This guy doesn't wake up when I'm practically yelling in his ear, but he's moving now? I heard a groan, and watched as his limbs went over the edge of the sofa, stretching. Slowly I watched his head droop over the edge of the couch, his sleepy eyes meeting mine.

"Wacha doing down there?" His voice was so impossibly thick with sleep. 

"Trying to escape your death trap... you almost killed me, I swear." I muttered under my breathe.

"Sorry, I'll try to keep my deathtrap to myself." He said scooting over, and patting the empty space.

"Uhm, hell no." With his eyes closed shut, I watched as his eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"Why not? You were sleeping with me earlier. Didn't seem to bother you one bit." He leaned over the edge of the couch, his eyes meeting mine, a slow and sleepy smirk appearing making its way onto his face.

I rolled my eyes at him. Here we go again with the smirk.

"I feel asleep, Niall, plus..." Suddenly the guilt hit me hard in the pit of my stomach, I closed my eyes trying to stop the nausea from coming up. "Harry." 

"Fuck." I heard Niall mutter, before he flopped back onto his back and sigh. "It's not like we did anything."

"I know we didn't do anything you nimrod." I huffed at him, "I wouldn't want to do anything with you anyways."

"Ouch that one hurt." He said chuckling softly and grabbing his chest playfully.

"Good." I rolled my eyes and began the process of standing up. Once I was on my feet, I awkwardly shifted for a few seconds.

"Uhm, so goodnight." 

" 'night babe." I scoffed at him, before moving towards my bedroom.

I couldn't help but yawn as I neared my bed. I was so tired, today had proven to be a much more trying day then I had expected it to be. As I flopped onto my bed, I could already feel the sleep pushing at my eyelids, and who was I to try and refuse such a welcome gift. As I cuddled up with my blankets, waiting for sleep to overtake me, I couldn't help but replay everything that had transpired throughout the day. The uneasiness in the pit of my stomach returned. I was such a bad girlfriend. I hadn't ever let Harry stay the night, and like a good boyfriend, he had understood. He knew that I wasn't ready, and he respected that. And here I was, not only did I invite Niall over (even though I was trying to be a good samaritan), but somehow I had ended up on the same couch, pressed against him.

My mind was a whirlwind of guilt as I feel asleep, to a dark and dreamless sleep.


The thick bittersweet smell of coffee was what woke me early the next morning. I laid in bed for a few more minutes, picking up my phone and checking my email, and social media. After a few more minutes of mindlessly browsing through my phone, I decided it was time to get up and check on what Niall was doing.

Stepping out of my warm blankets was like a cold slap to my entire body. Jeez it was so cold, though since we were only a week or so away from December, it was totally expected. I quickly ran towards my closet and pulled on my favorite pair of dark skinny jeans and a gray fuzzy sweater. Much better. Quickly pulling my hair up into a loose bun, I glanced at myself in a mirror. Eh, I looked okay. I wasn't going to put on any makeup though, not when I was just heading to my kitchen. It wasn't even worth the bother.

Stepping out of my room the coffee smell was even more aromatic. I inhaled. Oh how I loved coffee. As I took a few steps closer, I began to hear soft murmuring coming from the kitchen. If Niall brought anybody over, I am going to personally strangle him. I mean how rude can you be. As I cautiously entered the kitchen, I stopped.

"Hey Sleeping Beauty."

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