*Chapter Eleven (Part One)*

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"Well, well, well, who do we have here?" I glanced up, knowing just by the accent who was standing behind me.

"Niall." Harry and I simultaneously say.

"Mind if I take a seat?" I stare at him baffled. What's going on? What's he trying to do. I wouldn't be so suspicious of him if he wasn't standing there with a smirk playing at the edges of his lips.

"What are you playing at Niall?" Harry's glaring at Niall, but Niall obviously doesn't seem to get the hint, because the next thing I know Niall's pulling out a chair so he can sit down. Just like that there's a sudden tension in the air. Niall's sitting with a smug smile on his face, while Harry looks like the vein on his neck is going to explode. I shift in my seat uncomfortably, not sure of what to do, or if I should do anything at all. I glance at Harry only to see that his fists are clenched tightly on top of the table. I gulp, this isn't going to end well.

"Alright here's your drinks." And it's like a little angel was sent to my rescue. The young lady with our coffee suddenly makes most of the tension that was charging through the air, disappear. I watch as Harry's hands unclench and I can't help but genuinely smile at the lady when she sets down my drink.

"Thank you."

"No problem sugar." She says sweetly to me and throws in a wink at the end. This women is a true lifesaver. She suddenly turns to Niall.

"Did you wanna order anything?"

"Something really dark..." He cuts her off when he sees she's about to ask something. "It doesn't matter, anything will do." He snaps.

"Niall." I hiss, kicking him on his leg as hard as I can, feeling satisfied when he flinches and grabs for his ankle.

I throw an apologetic smile at the lady and she shrugs her shoulders at me and heads back towards the bar.

"Ouch, what the hell was that for?" Niall whines out, but before I am able to tell him he's being an ass, I'm cut off by an incessant ringing.

"Oh shit, I completely forgot!" Harry reaches for his pocket and fishes out his phone. "Louis... yeah I know.... I'm sorry, yeah I just forgot... I'm on my way, be there in ten." He snaps his phone shut and leans back in his chair.

"Fuck I completely forgot. Louis' car broke down this morning and I had to go pick him up from work... Ugh, he's never gonna let me forget about this..." He groans, running his eyes in frustration. "Alright babe, let's go."

"But I just got my coffee. I don't want to go." I stare at him for a second, wondering if he's going to fight me over this, because if he is he's only going to make me more determined to stay and finish my coffee. I'm not going to let two perfectly good coffees go to waste, no sir.

"Alright, alright. Are you gonna be fine though?" He glances at Niall, and I know what he's trying to tell me. I nod my head at him, and watch as he gets up and comes over to my side of the table. He leans down in front of me and places his lips on mine, gently at first but he gets progressively more aggressive. I hear a cough to my side, and suddenly it clicks. He's doing this for Niall, he's letting Niall know that I am his. I pull back away from his kiss and shake my head at him. He smiles knowingly at me and plants one last kiss on my cheek.

"Bye babe." And with that he's gone.


Niall and I sat in awkward silence for a while, neither of us breaking the silence. It wasn't until the lady came back with Niall's coffee that I finally broke the silence.

"So how have you been?" I asked.

"That's none of your business." He snapped at me, not even bothering to look in my direction.

"Well okay." I mumbled rolling my eyes at him, if he wanted to be rude he could go bother somebody else, somewhere else.

"Do you wanna know why?" He asked "Because I don't like you." He leaned in, whispering the last part, and that's when I smelled it.

"Niall are you drunk?" I whispered not really wanting anybody else to hear. He leaned back in his chair not saying a word, but he was glaring at me. "Isn't it a little early to be getting drunk?" I chided him.

"No." He spat out. "I'm not drunk." I laughed at him. He was a mean drunk, that was for sure.

"Okay keep telling yourself that." I drank the last bit of my coffee and stood up to leave, only to be followed by Niall. I watched out of the corner of my eye, as he slowly followed behind me. Suddenly I whirled around, making him stop in his tracks.

"What do you want Niall?" I can feel myself getting angry, not only was he rude the entire time that we were in the coffee shop, but now he was following me. It was making me completely exasperated. I looked back at Niall only to see that he looked anxious and nervous. He was nervously playing with the hem of his shirt. I watched as he ran a hand through his hair. I stopped, feeling on-edge at his sudden change of attitude.

"Um, Blair..."


I didn't want to make this super long so I'm cutting it up into two parts, so I know this doesn't sound finished (because it isn't), so just be patient :]

Hopefully I'll finish the second part and post it as soon as possible.

I'm also writing a new story so that's slowing down my updates a bit.

I'll update soon, promise.

Bye bye ~ Cosmic_Tears

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