*Chapter Three*

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I jumped away from him. I can't believe I almost let him kiss me. Why had my stupid body betrayed me like that? I stopped my mental tyrant long enough to look at the door.

"Bliar? Niall?" My sisters soft voice asked. She glanced back at me and a wicked smile crossed over her face. She quickly raised her eyebrows at me and I grimaced. No! It's not what you think! I wanted to scream at her, but the fact that Niall was still in here with us stopped me. I glanced over at him and he was ever so casually leaning against the counter. A small cloud of smoke swirled around him. I cringed I really didn't like when guys smoked. Black lungs and nasty teeth, oddly enough that didn't appeal to me.

Taylor glanced towards Niall and let out a cough and tried to swat away some of the toxic air around us.

"Niall! You know the rules..." She waited for him to reply.

"Yeah yeah, no smoking in the kitchen." He drawled out in his Irish accent. "I was leaving anyways, I have ta go to work early tomorrow." He gave a small pat to my sisters shoulder and he threw a small wink in my direction. Then he was gone. Just like that.

I relaxed against the kitchen counter. Geez! If I knew all this was going to happen, I'm not sure I would've come to my sisters. I let out a sigh. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my sister approaching me. I turned towards her and I watched as a smirk slowly engulfed her face.

"Niall huh? Good choice, he's one sexy hunk of a man, if I didn't have Liam..." She trailed off but then quickly started speaking again. "Ohhh and that accent! Makes any girl crazy... If ya know what I mean!" She wiggled her eyebrows at me. I covered my face with my hands, this was just too gross!

"No! It's not like that we just met!" My sister raised her eyebrows and an evil smirk crept onto her face.

"... So you guys just met and you were making out?" I grabbed the closest towel to me an charged at my sister, trying to whip her with it. She ran away from me laughing and screaming.

"I was NOT making out with him!" I shouted in between warish cries and giggles.

"Bliar likes Niall! Bliar likes Niall!" My sister chanted while giggling like a crazed hyena. She easily evaded all my vicious attacks.

After ten minutes of this, we both finally announced a truce. As we both sat at the island breathing heavy, I looked at Taylor.

"I really don't like him... He's not even my type." I tried to say firmly.

"Okay whatever you say lil sis." She replied ruffling my hair, though I knew she wasn't convinced.

I glanced down at my small watch that encircled my right wrist.

"Oh crap!" I swiveled to get my cardigan and my keys. "Sorry I gotta go! It's getting pretty late and I got class early in the morning." I turned to Taylor and gave her a big hug.

"Thanks for the food... And the excersize." I giggled.

"No problemo kiddo." I gave her a feigned angry look, she giggled at me in return. As I turned to leave my sister called out to me.

"Hey Bliar... Niall's a good guy, you should give him a chance, I think you guys would be good for each other." She spoke softly and I don't know why but I nodded.


As I left her apartment and made my way down to my car, I couldn't stop thinking about what Taylor had said. How could we be good for each other? He seemed like the complete opposite of me. His whole aura seemed to scream trouble. I didn't want to be apart of any of that. Who knows he probably did drugs. I shuddered at the thought.

When I reached my car, I unlocked it and sat there for a moment. My thoughts just chased one another. Even though logically I knew he was trouble, my body couldn't forget the way it felt pressed to his. The way I so eagerly leaned up to kiss him. If my sister wouldn't have came in through the door, I most likely would have. I pressed a finger to my lip. That would've been my first kiss.

I threw my head back in frustration. I just needed to go home, take a shower and then go to bed. Oh crap! I still needed to go to the grocery store. I sighed, add that to the long list of things I have to do.

As I drove back towards my apartment, a figure that looked familiar was walking ahead of me on the poorly lit sidewalk. The tattoos that littered his skin and blonde hair were easily recognizable. Had he been walking this whole time? I knew that if I left him walking in the cold for who knows how long, my conscious would eat me up alive. I groaned. Damn my good morals!

I pulled up my car in an empty spot by the sidewalk. I rolled down my passenger window and honked at him. He turned around, and even in the poorly lit sidewalk, I could tell that his eyes were brilliant. He looked reluctant to approach my unknown car. Good, at least he had some common sense, but now was not a time for that. I flashed my lights at him and honked again. He neared the car, and once he reached the open passenger window he bent over to look inside the car. His eyes opened wide in suprise, obviously not expecting me.

"Get in."


Hehe! I thoroughly enjoyed writing this chapter an I hope you guys like it too!


No song for this chapter, I couldn't find a good one that I liked. Sorry :[

Later alligators ~ Cosmic_Tears

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