Chapter Juan (one)

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Mia's POV

We arrived at the airport.

"DIBS SITTING NEXT TO RENEE" Cole screamed as he grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the airplane.

Molly sat with Ian, and Nell sat with Jake. I sat at the side, subtly third-wheeling. Eve sat with Shrek, spoon feeding him a purple like substance which turned out to be purred yam. I couldn't understand what he saw in her but as they say, love is blind!

We arrived in sunny LA and went to check into our hotel, the Four Seasons Los Angeles.

Renee and Cole shared a room, as did Nell and Jake. Shrek and Eve too. I stayed in my own room, alone.

I decided to go to Target and buy some yam crisps for everyone.


I picked up the biggest packet of yam crisps I could find and went to the checkout.

"Oh my God, sorry!" I apologized as I tripped and all the crisps split and rained all over someone.

I looked up to see a boy with purple hair which was now tainted with a few yellowish-orange crisps, deep brown eyes and a crooked smile, I thought I recognized him, but I wasn't sure where from.

'Don't worry about it. My friend Ty is always dropping stuff on me, sometimes on purpose.'

Then I realized, Josh Dun (Eve's celebrity crush.) was standing right in front of me. I wanted to be able to tell Eve about this so I looked up and asked him for a selfie.

'Hey, you probably get this a lot but I was wondering if I could take a picture with you, it's for my friend- she's a huge fan.'

'That's no problem!' His American drawl was cute and I was used to it as I spent most of my time with Renee, Molly, Nell and Eve, who's boyfriends are all American, minus Shrek who was born and raised in a muddy swamp in the highlands of Scotland. But his voice almost knocked me over; it was so soft and gorgeous that I nearly wet myself with love and adoration.

I turned to take a selfie when a crowd of girls came and swamped him screaming and taking pictures.

'I'm sorry!' I yelled as I payed for the Yam crisps, and another packet as the other ones were embedded in Josh's hair.

'No problem, I'm used to it!' he yelled back, I internally rolled my eyes at myself. Of course he was Mia, snap out of it!


I ran to Eve's room as soon as I got back to tell her about Josh, but she wasn't there. I went to look for her in the pool, sure enough, there she was, thankfully, lounging on a deck chair, with a Pina Colada in hand. Shrek wasn't there. that's a sight I don't want to see.

'Eve, you'll never guess what, I just saw Josh Dun in Target!' I practically yelled at her. She pulled out her earphones and lifted one, perfectly arched brow.

'Mia, that won't work on me this time. I won't go running to Target like I did when you supposedly saw Dan Howell in Tesco.'

'I was lying that time, but I'm telling the truth, I even took a selfie with him- look.' I pulled my phone out of my bag and went into my pictures to show her but I soon realized that I hadn't been able to take the selfie before the girls swamped him.

'Oh no! I didn't take the selfie before a crowd of girls crowded him like a big, lip gloss-tainted blanket.'

'Mia, I know you're lying. This is bad, even for you.'

'Eve, I swear on my life, I'm telling the truth.'

'Then you better start writing a will, because I know you're lying.'

I gave up trying to persuade her, Eve can be as stubborn as our french teacher when it comes to stuff like this, and who cares if she believes me or not, it's not like I'll see him again...

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