Chapter Hen (10)

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Nell's POV
I woke up the next morning with the hazy events of last night swirling around my mind. Jake and I hadn't drunk as much as the others, but I was still feeling the late-night consequences. After Molly's big news we'd decided to head to bed. I checked the clock at the side of the bed and saw that I had an hour to get ready for the interview my boss had scheduled for me to go to. It was with Angelina Jolie on her break-up with Brad Pitt. I also had to take some pictures, so I grabbed my camera from beside the TV and shoved it in my bag.

I padded to the bathroom and washed my face, a successful attempt to wash away my grogginess. I put on a quick layer of make-up and threw on my sunglasses.

Jake was still asleep, so I left him a note.

Cole's POV

At about midday, everyone sluggishly made their way into Renee's and my room. We all sat down, drinking many glasses of water to try cure our hangovers. We were all still shocked about Molly's pregnancy; Ian had not appeared at breakfast yet. Nell had an interview, Jake was happily snoring away, Eve was NOT a morning person, Jenna and Tyler were completely oblivious of us in our room and were sleeping and I think Dan was hiding from the tension. So it was just Molly, Mia, Josh, Renee and Me. Renee and Mia were comforting the fear stricken Molly. Josh and I, not really knowing how to help, went into the kitchen in my suite to cook breakfast.
Renee's POV
Molly was absolutely petrified, she was so scared that Ian would leave her. Suddenly, there was a shout from the kitchen. We all ran in to see what happened, Cole had set the frying pan on fire and Josh was trying to put it out by blowing on it.
'Ugh, boys.' Mia rolled her eyes as Molly and I ran to put it out.
'Cole, Josh, next time, let Molly cook, okay?' I frowned at them. 'Hey! That's my t-shirt!' I shout, grabbing it from there grasp, Cole was repeatedly wacking it against the pan.
'Well maybe if you didn't leave your stuff everywhere, we wouldn't have used it!' He laughed, his arms raised.
'Well maybe if you hadn't SET THE KITCHEN ON FIRE!' Mia rushed to my defence.
'Touché.' Cole squinted his eyes and scowled at us in a jokey way.
'I think you mean tushy.' Josh interjected, making us all laugh, we then got into a debate about what the word was, I agreed with Josh, it should be pronounced tushy!
'Tushy means butt you idiot!' Molly shouted at me, not really taking this seriously.
Ian's POV
I woke up with a pounding headache, I had drunk the most last night and all I could hear was shouting from Cole's room. I walked in, needing aspirin and also, I can tell them to shut up. As soon as she sees me, Renee goes silent (that's a first!) and nudges Mia and they all stare at me.
'Um. Does anyone have any aspirin?' Mia reached into her pocket and passes me the bottle, I take two and a glass of water. Kiss Molly on the temple and left. As I was about to leave, I turned.
'And also, can you please keep it down a little? I have the world's worst hangover and I just want to sleep.'
As I walked back to my room, I passed Dan in the corridor.
Dan's POV
It seemed that everyone was in Renee and Cole's room so that's where I went.
'Hey Dan, where were you this morning?' Mia's intent stare caught my attention.

'Oh, Eve and I were still sleeping." I lied. I was downstairs, killing time in the lobby, avoiding Eve. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I answered it, and was relieved to see Nell balancing about ten Starbucks coffees.

"Ah! Nell! My savior!" Mia said when she set the coffees down on the counter.
After everyone had taken a coffee, I asked:
"So, what was Angelina Jolie like?"
"She was nice. Honest," she answered vaguely, before adding,"Where's Jake?"
"I think he's still in you're room- he slept through breakfast." Renee said.
"In that case, can you guys help me make some breakfast for him? You know how I am in the kitchen- I'd set it on fire if I was left to my own devices!" Nell asked. Everyone laughed hysterically.
"What'd I miss?" Nell inquired, confused.
"Don't worry. Of course we'll help you make breakfast."
About an hour later, Renee and Mia (Molly had remained silently on the sofa) had helped Nell to successfully make breakfast for Jake, and it was ready to go on a tray.
"Thanks you guys. I really appreciate it."
"No problem."
Nell took the tray to her own room.
About twenty minutes later, Nell and Jake returned to the room we were all in.
"I'm going to go check on Eve." I said.
"Good luck," Mia laughed,"Eve is not a morning person!"
Nell's POV
Once Dan had left, I plonked myself down on the sofa, next to Molly.
"What are you going to do?" I asked.
"What, no 'Hello' or 'how are you?'" Molly mocked.
"Sorry. I thought I should cut to the chase. Hello, how are you? What are you going to to about the baby?" I asked Molly, who promptly burst in to tears.
"I-I don't know." She sobbed.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry." I searched for something compassionate to say.
"Listen, Molls, it's okay if you don't know just yet. You need a distraction. What about shopping? Not only does it clear the head, it's also a great hangover cure." I sat back.
"Shopping sounds good.Thanks, Nell."
"Cool. It's settled."
"Yay! I'll go and ask Eve if she wants to come." Mia chirped, exiting the room.
"Do you guys want to come?" Renee asked, looking at Cole and Josh.
"Nah, I'm good." The said in sync.
Mia returned without Eve.
"Eve wasn't up for shopping." She explained.

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