Chapter Who (two)

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Josh's  POV

"You've got something in your hair, you know." Tyler observed in our hotel room.

We were staying in LA for a few weeks; just to relax, and take a break from being in one of America's most popular bands.

"Oh, yeah, I know. This girl accidentally split yam chips over my head." The same girl who I hadn't stopped thinking about since I left Target. She was so pretty, and polite. And her British accent was beautiful. I wanted to kick myself for not asking for her name and her number.

"Was she apologetic? I mean, it's not everyday you spill yam chips over Josh Dun's head." Tyler asked.

"I guess. I didn't really get to talk to her- I got swarmed." I was starting to get annoyed with Tyler. He was acting like a detective.

"Hey Ty!" I hear the familiar voice of Jenna as she pushed open the door to the hotel room and ran to hug her husband.

"Hi, how you doing?" Tyler asked his wife.

"Good, wait Josh, what's in your hair?" She laughed as she stared at the yam crisp tangled in my purple hair.

"Hi to you too, and they're yam crisps." I said casually.

"Ah, right." She said as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Listen, I think I'm going to go out for a while." I said to the happy couple, shrugging on my jacket.

"Where are you going?" Tyler and Jenna inquired, their voices in sync.

"I don't know! Why are you Sherlock Holmes all of a sudden?" I snapped.

"Sorry man. Damn, you sure got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning!" At this, I opened the door, and grabbed the plastic room key-card as I walked out. I had no reason to snap at Ty, but I was taking my angriness at myself out on him, which wasn't fair. I should go back and apologize, I thought to myself.

As I turned the corner of the long corridor, towards the grand elevator, I collided with someone, and for the second time that day, yam chips littered my purple hair.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry! You know, this is like the second time this has-" She stopped when she looked up at me.

"And to the same person! I think this is like, fate, or something." I finished.

"Yeah, I'm sorry again! I'm Mia by the way."

"Josh." I smiled, offering her my hand to shake. She shook it.

"Are you staying here?" I asked.

"Yeah. Me and my friends are staying on this floor, as a matter of fact." Mia nodded.

"Me too! More destiny!" I was so happy I'd met her again.

"Do you still want that selfie?" I asked, hopefully. Mia thought about this for a moment.

"There'll be no need for a selfie," She smiled cheekily,"If you come down to the pool with me and my friends for a while?"

"Sure!" I agreed instantly.

"Awesome, I'll just get my friends from their rooms!" She chirped." Wait right here. Your biggest fan is already at the pool though-she didn't believe me when I told her I'd seen you!"

I waited by the elevator for a few minutes before I was presented with six more people. Mia began to introduce me to them.

"First, here's Nell and Andy." Mia said, motioning towards a petite blond girl and a hoodie-wearing man with tousled hair.

"Jake's a cop in Brooklyn." Mia explained.

"I'm a really big fan of your music!"Jake  said while shaking my hand.

"I have no idea who you are. What's your deal?" Nell said honestly, smiling. She was English, like Mia. It was nice knowing that not everyone was aware of my existence.

"Nell! This is Josh, the drummer of Twenty One Pilots!"

"Twenty One- Oh, is that the band Eve is obsessed with? Nice to meet you." Nell shook my hand as well.

"And here we have Renee and Cole." Mia gestured towards a taller girl with glasses, and a man with a chiseled face.

"I like your music too!" The girl chimed.

"Wait...Weren't you in Zack and Cody or something??" I asked the man.

"Yep." He said modestly, laughing.

"And this is Ian!" Mia chimed, introducing me to another man, this one tall.

"And I'm Molly! I love Trees!" A long haired girl offered her hand. I shook.

"Let's go, then!" Ian said, and we got to the pool via the elevator.

"Oh.My.God." A blonde girl in a deck chair sat up.

"I told you I wasn't lying, Eve!" Mia laughed. Eve just sat there, her mouth gaping.

When she recovered from the shock, she started asking me questions. Lots of them. She only stopped when a voice from behind me said, in a thick Scottish accent.

"Well, would ya look at that! It's your dream come true, aye Eve!" I turned around, and saw a huge, green ogre.

"Oh yes, Josh, this is Shrek- maybe you saw him in Shrek the movie?" Mia said, all casual.

"Umm, yes, I'm a fan." I said awkwardly.

"Do me a favor, honey- I need some sun cream on me back!" Shrek passed a sunscreen bottle to Eve and sat in front of her, nearly breaking the deck chair.

What a cute couple, I thought.

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