Chapter Hate (Eight)

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Josh's POV

The next day, Monday, I woke up earlier than Mia. I drew open the curtains, which caused Mia to groan.
"The light! It burns!" She laughed.
"Hey, I was wondering...Where did Shrek go?" I asked.
"I'm not sure." She said sitting up and padding to the bathroom.
Dan wasn't present at breakfast, so I figured it would be okay to bring the question up again.
"Sorry if this is too soon, but I have to ask.Where did Shrek go?"
"I've no idea. I guess that I haven't been thinking about it." Eve replied, munching on a croissant.
Nell pulled out her phone.
"I'll check his Instagram.Oh, and Eve, I've been meaning to ask you-now that you're not dating, can I unfollow Shrek?" Nell asked.
"Whatever." Eve replied.
"Great. He takes way too many selfies. Okay, here's his account. Okay so, by the looks of it, he's back in Scotland. The caption of his last picture says 'Livin' it up, back with Fifi. I'm sorry I ever left you, babe @fifiogre." At this, Eve looked very angry.
"Son of a-" she began, but she was interrupted.
"Hey guys!" Dan smiled, putting his plate in the spare spot next to Eve.
"So," he continued,"Yesterday you guys were saying that you knew nothing about me. And this morning, I realised that I know very little about you! How did you all meet one another? I mean, I know Mia, Eve, Renee, Molly and Nell all went to school together. But how did you meet your..." he trailed off, struggling to find the right word.
"Significant others?" He finished off, taking a sip of his orange juice.
"Well, I met Mia in target the other day, because she split yam chips on my head.Twice." I told him.
"Ian and I met at an interview. I interview celebrities-that's my job. " Molly and Ian shared a smile. "We've been together for a year now."
Renee looked at Cole,
'Cole was my tour guide at NYU, I dropped out though, I'm still not sure what I want to do with my life.' She looked sad. But Nell smiled.
'Renee, if you want to work for me, I need a model for my new shoot I'm doing for a modern art piece.'
'Nah, I don't think modelling is really what I want to do, I don't want to be one of those people who Photoshop everything and I feel like that's what modelling is.'
'No, it's modern art, it's basically the exact opposite of what you just said, I will just need three photos, one with Photoshop, one without Photoshop but a load of makeup, and one completely natural.'
"I'll think about it." Renee said.
"What about you?" Dan said, motioning towards Nell and Jake.
"Well, I was in Brooklyn, working on some photography when some guy stole this woman's purse. I chased after him down this alley way. When I reached the end of it, I sort of pounced. And Jake did to. He was coming from the other side of the alley, so I didn't see him coming. After that, I went to Jake's precinct with him. After that, we went out for the night. It was great. We've been together ever since." Nell smiled, with a look of nostalgia in her eyes.
"Aw, that's nice. When did this all happen?" Dan asked.
"Thursday." She said casually.
"What?!" Mia and Molly said in unison.
"I thought you'd been going out for, like, a year!" Molly said, flummoxed.
"Oh. Sorry, I thought you knew. Anyway. Who wants to go to our room and play monopoly? I found it in one of the cupboards." Nell suggested.

Dan's POV

Ten minutes later, we were in Nell and Jake's hotel room, arguing over the rules of Monopoly.
"No, you have to have to been round the board  at least once before you ,can buy properties!" Cole said, because Renee had already  tried to buy three properties.
Meanwhile, Jake's phone buzzed and rang non-stop.
"Who keeps calling you? Sorry, I don't mean to pry." Renee asked.
"It's just the Captain at my precinct. Probably calling 'bout work-stuff."
"Do you need to take it? Because you can if you want."
"Nah. It's fine." Jake shrugged.

Later, we decided to chill around the pool.
"Hey, what d'ya guys say we go to Disneyland tomorrow? They'll let us in for free because I have a family annual pass.'
'Why do you have a family one?' Molly said, always focusing on the most unimportant part of the sentence.
'I have a lot of friends.' I replied, I was completely lying. Because I had fought with Phil, I actually had no friends other than these newly acquired acquaintances. I stole the pass from Phil, he was planning to take his Mum and brother out. I felt a little guilty but he deserved it after what he did to me.


"Dan, we need to talk."  Called Phil's voice from the kitchen. I reluctantly left my room.

"What is it? Can it wait? Because I'm still trying to get back into my YouTube account. Whoever hacked it, hacked it really well- I've been at it for hours."
Phil sighed.
"I hacked your account, Dan."
"What? You're joking, right?" I said, flummoxed, even though it made sense- he was the only person who I had told the password.
"I'm sorry Dan. I had to. You were getting way too popular."
"So, you hacked my account for your benefit? So you would get more subscribers?" I felt my face redden with anger.
"Don't think of it like that, Dan. It's not all that bad..."
" Tell me the new password. Now." My fists clenched.
"It would be pointless." Phil was,calm.
"I deleted all of your videos."
My knuckles collided with Phil's face. He crippled with pain, holding his hand over his nose.

Molly's POV

We arrived at Disneyland by taxi. It was amazing seeing the real castle-the one at the beginning of all the Disney films. We went on the most hardcore roller coasters-well, Mia, Josh, Renee, Cole , Nell, Jake, Ian and I did-Eve didn't want to, and thus neither did Dan. It was the perfect day to come- the exact middle of our little reunion holiday. Being together with all my old school friends- it really reminded me of the good old days.

Yes, we did get mobbed multiple times by TØP, Zack and Cody and PLL fans, but overall, we had a great time and we all really enjoyed ourselves, even if Eve looked a little glum.

Nell's POV

We got back to the hotel at around Nine PM, and had room service dinners. I'd taken a really good picture- a sort of action-type shot on one of the roller coasters, in which Josh's arm is wrapped around Mia.

Before I did anything with the photo, I decided to ask for Josh and Mia's permission. Well, Jake convinced me to- he said the internet might just blow up if it saw that Josh Dun was in a relationship. Jake's probably the only person who can convince me to do anything. Thus, I knocked at their hotel room door. Mia opened it.
"Hi Nell. How can we assist you?" She said through a smile.
"I just wanted to know whether or not it would be okay if I used this photo for an article or something."
Mia looked at my camera's screen, and nodded.
"Sure. It's fine by me. Josh?"
Josh peered at the picture.
"Yeah, that's fine. The world should know." He laughed.

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