cant hide it any longer

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Sakura was at home lying on her bed with sakura Jr she was watching sakura Jr sleep she looked so peaceful . when suddenly a knock was heard from sakura's door she went and opened it to see naruto standing there .
" hey sakura can I see sakura Jr now " naruto asked with smile on his face .
" ya sure come in " sakura said .
Naruto walked in to see sakura Jr fast asleep .
He went up to her and kissed her sleeping forehead .
" I love this baby " naruto said .
" me too " sakura said .
Naruto then lied next to sakura Jr and sakura hopped onto the bed on the other side of sakura Jr naruto and sakura stared at sakura Jr .
" naruto " sakura said which caught naruto's attention when he looked at her he saw she was blushing .
" ya sakura " naruto replyeid .
" um I was wondering I've had such a good time with you taking care of sakura Jr and I can see how much you've grown how stronger you've become and so I was wondering if you wanted to be with me " sakura said .
" uh I mean its totally fine if you don't wanna be my boyfriend its just that I can see his you look at sakura Jr like she's your own " sakura said naruto just stood there with a blank expression on his face sakura began to get worried .
" Naruto are you ok " sakura said feeling quiet concerned about naruto .Naruto just stood up and walked around the bed to sakura's side then bent down and kissed her on the lips .
Sakura wrapped her arms around naruto's neck and naruto picked sakura up off the bed .
Then naruto lifted sakura and held on around her waste while sakura's legs were wrapped around naruto's waist .
They stopped kissing but sakura kept her legs wrapped around naruto's waist .
" I do " Naruto said .
And then they continued kissing but their love suddenly woke ups sakura Jr and sakura Jr started crying .
Naruto put sakura down and they walked up to their child .
Sakura picked up her daughter and then she stopped crying and started smiling at them .
" mama...Dada " sakura Jr said .
Naruto went behind sakura and gabbed her waist sakura then smiled .
Naruto then gave sakura a kiss on the lips and gave sakura Jr a kiss on the cheek .
" alright well I gotta go " naruto said .
And waved goodbye to them and left the house sakura watched him leave from out the window .

NARUSAKU AND THE BABY Where stories live. Discover now