crash and burn

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Sakura and naruto were walking home from a date they had and they were holding hands .
When suddenly naruto smelt something burning he began to run away from sakura .
" WAIT NARUTO WHY ARE YOU RUNNING !! " sakura shouted after him and as she walked closer she saw her house was on fire .
Naruto immediately remembered they left sakura Jr in the house with sakura's parents .
Naruto ran in the House without thinking twice .
He ran IP the stairs and heard the screams of a baby .
As he ran up the stairs the stairs collapsed behind him he did a front flip and then landed on top of the stairs he ran down the hall and fell through the floor boards into the kitchen .
He then jumped up on the table there was fire all around him then he formed a tiny rasengan then hit the roof but not too hard that it would collapse on him .
Naruto jumped up into sakura's parents room where he found his daughter and sakura's mom .
" naruto " sakura's mom said .
" I'm gonna get you out just hold on a sec " Naruto said and thought he then ran and used chakra control to walk on the roof .
He picked up sakura's mom and his daughter and kicked the wall till it broke then jumped down off the second floor and gave sakura, sakura Jr .
" please go get Shoji * cough * he's in the living room * cough * go save him " sakura's mom said and began to cough .
Naruto nodded his head and ran back in the burning house he jumped over a fire and then ran and jumped towards a wall he ended up breaking through the wall and landed in the living room when suddenly .
* cough cough * naruto began to cough from the smoke in the house .
' gotta get out before I suffocate ' naruto thought and ran to jump on the table then do a back flip to land on the couch suddenly the whole place came down on top of the naruto grabbed sakura's father and the place came crumbling down .
Sakura began to cry as she saw the rubble of the house .
Sakura Jr was still crying loudly in sakura's arms .
Suddenly the rubble began to move then the rubble burst open and there he was naruto carrying sakura's father over his shoulder he walked up to sakura and the rest of then and put sakura's father on the floor so he could rest .
Sakura ran and gave naruto a hug when she suddenly felt a sharp object in naruto's back .
Naruto fell on the floor and landed on his stomach and everyone saw his back , they all gasped except sakura Jr who had just stopped crying .
They all looked at naruto's blood covered back he had 7 glass shards stuck in his back .
Sakura began to cry again and the rest of the night was horrible for them all .

The next day

Sakura was walking to the hospital to go see her parents naruto and her child she had been worried sick about them .
She got to the hospital and went to the receptionist .
" hi um I'd like to visit naruto Uzumaki , mebuki haruno ,sakura  Uzumaki and Shoji haruno please" sakura said with a smile .
" oh yes right this way " the receptionist said and lead sakura to a room .
" right through this door " she said .
" thank you " sakura said and walked in she saw her mom ,dad and naruto all on hospital beds .
" oh hey sakura " naruto said sakura began to cry tears of joy and she ran over to give him a hug .
" Im so glad your ok " sakura said and hugged naruto .
" why were you worried " naruto said .
" yes of course I was " sakura said and kissed him .
" don't forget about us " sakura's father said .
Sakura ran and hugged her parents .
" wait hows sakura junior " naruto asked .
" your right I gotta go see her " sakura said .
" wait I'm coming " naruto said and got up out of the hospital bed .
They walked to the room where their daughter is .
They saw her in a see through box with a mask hooked up to a machine .
" oh is this your child " the doctor asked .
" yeah she is " sakura said .
" well she's gonna be just fine but she'll need to stay here for about 2 days " the doctor said .
" oh thank you " naruto said .
" oh are you naruto Uzumaki " the doctor asked naruto .
" ya I am is something wrong " naruto asked .
" no its fine nothings wrong it just that your free to go your wounds are completely healed " the doctor said .
" oh ok thank you " naruto said .
And after that naruto walked back to his house .
" oh hey sakura you don't have a place to stay do you " naruto asked sakura .
" oh ya I guess you right " sakura said .
" well you can stay with me and when your parents are healthy enough to leave the hospital they can stay with me " naruto said .
" thank you naruto " sakura said and ran and started to kiss .
" I love you " sakura said .
" I know you do " naruto said and they continued to kiss .

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