sakura's mom

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Sakura was sitting down on the couch watching tv because sakura Jr was sleeping .
When suddenly the front door opened .
" sakura sakura honey are you home " sakura's mom mebuki said .
" hey mom do you mind lowering your voice " sakura said .
" why honey is something wrong " mebuki said .
" no its just that...I like some peace and quiet " sakura said .
" alright then sakura " sakura's mom said .
Sakura sighed and sat back on the couch .
' at least she didn't wake up sakura Jr ' sakura thought .just then crying was heard from the upstairs bedroom .
" what's that " mebuki asked .
" nothing nothing at all let me go check " sakura said and ran upstairs and grabbed the babies bottle off the side of the bed and fed the baby its milk .sakura sighed a sigh of relief when she suddenly turned around and saw her mom watching her .
" sakura who's baby is that " mebuki asked shocked.
" she's my baby mom " sakura said .
" no that's impossible if this is your baby who's the father " mebuki said .
" naruto's the father mom " sakura said .
" honey come in here " she called out to her husband and explained everything to him .
" no I forbid you from seeing naruto or that baby ever again " sakura's father said .
" but why dad " sakura said crying .
" you will not have that baby under my roof " he said .
" fine then I'll go live with naruto " sakura said and packed her bags then left .
" your gonna live in his small apartment " mebuki said .
" didn't you hear naruto lives in a normal 2 story house now " she said and left .
She arrived at naruto's house crying and knocked on the door . naruto opened the door to find sakura crying there with sakura Jr .
" are you alright sakura what's wrong " naruto asked concerned .
" no it's nothing just forget about it anyway can I stay with you for a few days " sakura asked .
" ya sure " naruto said and let her in .
Sakura walked inside and sat on the couch and told him the whole story .
" I won't let them take you away from me sakura " naruto said .
" thank you naruto " sakura said .
Naruto and sakura kissed on the couch when sakura Jr saw this sakura Jr just laughed at the sight even though she doesn't know what it is .
" you can stay for as long as you need sakura " naruto said .
" thank you naruto " sakura said .
Soon it got late and they all went to sleep sakura let sakura Jr sleep with naruto for the night but then sakura couldn't sleep without sakura Jr with her so sakura got up out of bed ant went to naruto's room.
" hey naruto " sakura called out in the dark .
" ya sakura " naruto said in a sleepy voice .
" can I sleep with you two " sakura asked .
" y-ya sure come on ahead here's a spot " naruto said .
Sakura hopped on the bed and finally managed to get some sleep because she had her two favourite people next to her .

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