babies comin home

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Sakura and naruto were running as fast as they could to the hospital because they just got good news that they can take sakura Jr home now she's all healed .
They arrived at the hospital and bolted pasted the lady at the front desk and up the stairs to room 98 to see sakura Jr .
" oh your here already but I just sent the message like 30 minutes ago " the doctor said .
" oh well guess we were just excited " naruto said scratching the back of his neck .
" well here then sakura Jr is alright now she's ready to go home " the doctor said handing sakura Jr to sakura .
" let's go home now " naruto said and put his arm around sakura who was carrying sakura Jr and  walked outside the hospital where all their friends were waiting for an answer .
" she's gonna be ok " naruto said and everyone cheered even sasuke and shikamaru cheered they had all become fond with sakura Jr because they had seen her a couple of times .
They all went home to sakura and naruto's house to party because she was gonna be ok.
After everyone had gone and the party has ended .
Sakura naruto and their child went to bed even though sakura Jr was already fast asleep halfway through the party.they all hopped into the same bed with sakura Jr  in between them  .

NARUSAKU AND THE BABY Where stories live. Discover now