next morning

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Naruto was the first to wake up and go make breakfast for him and sakura . once he was done he took it to the room sakura was in and left it next to her with a note .
After that he went downstairs to watch some TV .
Sakura woke up as soon as she smelled the good food . she opened the tray and saw a salad with bits of chicken meat with orange juice to drink .
She smiled as she knew who made it she went downstairs and saw naruto sitting there on the couch . she came behind him and grabbed him he jolted up but relaxed when he found out it was sakura .
Sakura leaned to his ear and whispered into it .
" thank you naruto I love you " she said naruto began to blush but didn't say anything .
He just simply got up and walked next to her and whispered .
" your welcome I love you " which made sakura blush red hot . after that sakura ran upstairs and ate her breakfast right next to sakura Jr .
After she ate the breakfast she went and took a shower then ran downstairs .
She then sat next to naruto on the couch and leaned her head on his shoulder .
Naruto turned to her and smiled the cheesiest smile he had .
And then pushed sakura to lay down on the couch .
" naruto what are you doing " sakura said confused naruto then hovered over her like a dog and began to kiss her neck .sakura bit her lip because of this she then closed her eyes .
Naruto then moved from her neck to her mouth and they began to kiss .
Sakura wrapped her legs around naruto .
Naruto then stood up and pressed sakuras back against the wall and continued then sakura moved her legs and was standing .
Naruto then grabbed her one leg and pulled it up to his waist . naruto began to slowly take off sakura's shirt when they heard crying . they both sighed and ran upstairs to see sakura Jr was wide awake .
" oh man just when it was about to get good " naruto said whining .
" I'll go get the baby food " sakura said and ran to the kitchen . naruto looked at his child .
" really now your lucky your cute kid " naruto said hopping onto the bed and started playing with his child . then sakura walked back in with the baby food and began feeding sakura Jr .
" hey sakura " naruto began sakura looked up at him . " ya naruto what is it " sakura asked a bit worried . " I was thinking of you and sakura Jr and I realized we're not her real parents but I'd like to be " naruto said . sakura was a bit confused at what he was trying to say .
" what are you trying to say naruto " she said .
" I'm saying " naruto got down on one knee and pulled out a white box from his pocket .
" naruto" sakura said dropping the baby food and putting her hands over her mouth .
" will you marry me " he said with a smile on his face as he opened the box to find a pink ring shaped like a flower with a design of sort of tree vines on the sides going down .
" yes naruto a billion times yes to infinity " sakura said and hugged him then they pulled away from the hug and kissed sakura Jr just laughed and clapped her hands together .
Sakura and naruto turned to look at her and they both kissed sakura Jr's cheeks .
" wait this is perfect " naruto said and got his camera out his closet and they all took a selfie .
Naruto printed the picture and looked at it .
" that's a keeper " he said as he looked at the picture and smiled at picture of the three of them together and sakura Jr smiling and laughing .
" its perfect " sakura said .

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2017 ⏰

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