im sorry sakura

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Naruto and sakura woke up to the sound of the doorbell ringing . sakura got up and opened the door to see her mom and dad standing there .
" can we please talk sakura honey " sakura's mom said sakura sighed but let them in anyway .
" so what did you want to talk about " sakura said with no emotion while sakura Jr was playing on her lap .
" we just wanna say we're sorry bout what we said yesterday to you " sakura's mom said .
" ya honey its just that as parents we're not used to you growing up so fast and then out of the blue you have your own baby with that guy " sakura's dad said pointing at naruto .
" but I'm a good dad " naruto said .
" its true he is a good dad " sakura said smiling at naruto and naruto smiled .
" so honey if theirs any other surprises please say it now " sakura's mom said .
" well...naruto and I are dating now " sakura said .
" oh ok then " sakura's mom said with her eye twitching.
" so you weren't dating or married when you had sakura Jr " sakura's dad said.
" no intact me and naruto didn't have her the natural way naruto found her in an alleyway " sakura said .
" oh ok then is that all " sakura's dad said .
" yes that is all " sakura said .
" no its not " naruto said .
" what are you talking about naruto " sakura asked.
" that's not the last thing the last thing is that sakura Jr can walk now " naruto said .
" WHAT MY BABY GIRL CAN WALK ! " sakura yelled excited .
" yep show her honey come to daddy come to daddy " naruto said .
Sakura Jr smiled and got off sakura's lap and stood on the floor and started waddling like a penguin to get to naruto and she nearly fell over twice but she made it into naruto's arms .
" YAYYYYA MY BABY CAN WALK I'M SO HAPPY "  sakura yelled with glee she got up and went to naruto and gave him a Kiss on the lips in front of her parents but a short one .
" um sakura honey we're still here " sakura's mom said .
" oh sorry mom dad " sakura said .
" well I guess we'll be going now " sakura's father said .
And waved goodbye to his granddaughter and daughter and left .
" oh mom dad I'm gonna stay here a little longer like 5 days longer " sakura said .
" ok honey " sakura's dad said .they said and left
" I love you " sakura said .
" I love you too " naruto said and kissed sakura .

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