the after effect

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Naruto was talking with sasuke .sasuke noticed something different about naruto he was even more happier than usual .
" ok what's up naruto why are you happy " sasuke said .
" am I not allowed to be happy sasuke " naruto said.
" no I mean even happier than usual " sasuke said waiting for an answer .
" well sasuke its a new day " naruto said and sasuke raised an eyebrow .
" and I got dirty in the bed with sakura yesterday " naruto whispered .
" what did you just say " sasuke shouted .
" uh nothing I was talking to myself " naruto said looking away from sasuke .
" no I heard you " sasuke said .
" oops did I say that out loud " naruto said sasuke expression went back to normal .
" anyway where's your daughter I thought you were a good parent " sasuke asked .
" yah she's with sakura " Naruto said then smiled .

With sakura

Sakura was sitting having lunch with ino while feeding her child .
" so you finally did it " ino asked .
" did what " sakura said .
Ino put on a cat face .
" you finally made the sheets dirty, did the dirty dance had sex with naruto " ino said and then purred .
Sakura's face turned red .
" WHAT NO I DIDN'T !! "   sakura shouted .
" don't lie sakura I was acting the exact same way your acting right now when I first did it so how did it feel " ino asked .
" it felt amazing " sakura said .
" yep that's what I thought " ino said .
Soon word spread between all of naruto's and sakura's friends now they all knew and some how the info leaked to sakura's parents .
" well naruto its been nice living with you but I think I should go home now " sakura said .
" ok then " naruto said and hugged sakura goodbye they don't always have to kiss .
Sakura got home and opened the door .
" I'm home " sakura said .
" hey sakura can you sit down" sakura's mom said .
" ya mom what is it " sakura said .
" sakura I know you ah sex with naruto " sakura's mom said .
" how do you know that " sakura said .
" never mind that its just that I hope you used a condom " sakura's mom said .
" mom what the hell that's disgusting " sakura said .
" it wasn't disgusting when naruto was coming in and out of you " sakura's mom said sakura blushed red all over her body .
" oh my god mom I can't even talk to you right now" sakura said and walked away .
" no wait come back honey there's still more I need to tell like how to please him with boobs or how to keep quiet so nobody knows your doing it " sakura's mom said .
" good night mom " sakura said and slammed her door .
" but its 2pm " sakura's mom said .

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