like father like daughter

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Sakura had gone on a mission so naruto had to take care of sakura Jr .
" ok let's go " naruto said and picked up sakura Jr to go to the store .
He walked to the store and saw a lot of baby food he didn't know which to buy so he took out the letter that sakura wrote .
' Naruto since I know you can be a little stupid at times but I still love you so please get the young shinobi baby food please and some milk with some towels for the baby that's all '
Naruto read the letter .
" ok cool" naruto said .
He then picked up the apple ,orange and mango flavoured baby food .
" ok that's done " he said suddenly a women walked up to him .
" hey there that's a really cute baby " she said .
" ya I she is " naruto said .
" hey you wanna meet up for lunch sometime " the girl said .
" ok ya sure how about now " naruto said .
" really like right now " the girl said.
" ya after I'm done paying for these things we can go have lunch " naruto said .
" ok meet me at ichiraku ramen " she said .
" ok then " naruto said lately naruto has been acting more relaxed .
Naruto picked up some clothes for sakura Jr and then some baby milk then some towels for sakura Jr .
" ok done now I can go pay " naruto said and walked up to the till and payed for the stuff and left to ichiraku ramen . he saw the girl and sat down next to her and then ordered then took out some of the baby food and started to feed sakura Jr.
" you must be hungry by now " naruto said and fed his daughter .
Naruto and the girl started to chat as sakura Jr fell asleep in naruto's arms .
Then a familiar voice was heard .
" NARUTO ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME ! " sakura shouted .
Naruto turned to see his beloved cherry blossom crying the she ran home .
" dammit sorry I gotta go but it was nice having lunch with you " naruto said .
picked up the bag of groceries and his daughter and ran off .
He ran to sakura's house where he found her in her room crawled up into a ball on the floor crying.
" why naruto why I t-thought you loved me " sakura said .
Naruto put sakura Jr down on sakura's bed .
" of course I love you " naruto said .
" then why were you having lunch with that g-girl huh explain that " sakura said .
" sakura I had lunch with that girl just for fun I didn't think it would hurt you I would never betray you at all " naruto said .
" ya right I trusted you naruto and you just back stabbed me like that " sakura said and stood up and went to a table .
Naruto stood up and went up to sakura and wrapped his arms around her waist and then he started kissing her neck .
" naruto that's not gonna work " sakura said and then sakura began to smile a little .
" stop it naruto " she said then she started to laugh .
Sakura then turned around and sat on the table and Naruto started kissing her lips .
Sakura wrapped her arms around naruto's neck .
" sakura I love you and I wouldn't do anything to hurt you " naruto said .
" ok then but no more Lunch's with other girls " sakura said .
" except for ino or hinata or tenten or temari " Naruto said .
" ya you can have lunch with them but not with complete strangers " she said .
" never again I promise " naruto said and then he heard a laughing sound coming from behind him he turned around and saw sakura Jr was awake .
" hey there you " Naruto said and walked up to her and picked her up while sakura watched .
' he is a great fathersakura thought .

NARUSAKU AND THE BABY Where stories live. Discover now