Training a 5 year old

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PLEASE, put some thing in the comments! I'm really needing suggestions for other fanfics guys! For any anime

After that day..... You know what, we're just gonna do a time skip. Time skipping to the next day: P.E. class with Kayami of course! Everything will be on Kayami's pov.

Kayami's POV~

Onii-chan says it was okay for me to be in P.E. class right now, or everyday really. Ever since I signed that paper, I couldn't get any sleep! Being a part of something that no 5 year old, besides me, in a mission! OOOOHHH how exciting!!

Scary-sensei said I was like a secret member of the class. Other students told me that principal, also knows about the Assasination. Kurahashi, a Onee-chan I'm really fond of, told me this " Kayami-chan, don't make the principal mad. He's more scary than Karasuma-sensei!" I shivered. Don't ever want to see that.
Anyhooo, My training was a little different from the others. Scary-sensei said in a very serious tone " Kayami, your job is very important . I, first want you to learn gymnastics with Hinata. This will help you with flexibility because you're so young and other things later on. I'll tell you what you need to learn after that, understood?"," Yes sir!", "Hinata, come here."

"Hai." Then I see a girl coming towards us. She had short brown hair and light purple eyes(Well that's what she has in the anime). To me, she was pretty tall. Among the class, she looked like one the shorter students in there, compared to Onii-chan, she was SHORT. Not to be mean or anything. She smiled at me, I smiled back. "Well then let's get started ummm.... do you mind if I called you Kayami-chan?"

"Of course, that is if I can address you as Hinata-nee.", "Of course!"

"For starters, do you know to do anything like cartwheels or frontflips on trampolines?" Hmmmmm. "Well, Onii-chan has taught me some things, but yes I'm able to do cartwheels."

What Onii-chan really teaches me is.... hehe.... using my abilities for his pranks. Onii-chan says I have really good eyesight and *feather hands. I really don't get what 'feather hands' are though,(A/N;Guys I what you to guess what 'feather hands' mean, I'll give the definition at the end, don't cheat) but I guess it's useful for him (^ - ^)

"Okay, that's good. Cartwheels are basic stuff. First we're going stretch so when we do more complicated stuff, it's easier to move." She says, then continues saying "Now we're stretch our legs, so we can do splits. Can you do splits Kayami-chan?" Tough question. Wait no it's not. Of course I can. It freaks my mom out....what? It's funny to see her reaction. I nod my head. " That's great! Our legs are the most important thing, because if you're jumping in the air, you need to have good legs." After doing different kinds of splits Hinata-nee sighs and put her chin on her palm thinking. 'Well, Kayami-chan's already got the basics. What should I teach her next?'

"Kayami-chan what would you like to know how to do?" Hinata-nee asks me. Honestly, I really don't know. Maybe like tumbling or doing back bends. "What about tumbling?", "That's a good idea!" We moved to a more open spaced area. "Wahh! It's so big--...ehh.(-_-')." I turn my head to see Yellow Octopus-sensei, in a sand box- a huge one- making some sort of.... I don't know. I couldn't really tell, since he was moving so fast. "Octopus-sensei!!!!" I yell getting his attention. He turned around with tons of sand on him. It was scary. "Hmm? Oh Kayami-san, Hinata-chan, what are you doing here?" He asked shaking sand off him. "Actually I want to know what you're doing, Korosensei." Hinata-nee said, pointing at him. Took the words out of my mouth. "Well, you see-...", I whisper to Hinata-nee " Let's get out of here.", "Right." Then we tip-toed away while he was saying a super long explaination. " So yeah. What are you- WHAAA?!?! Where did they go?!"

Somewhere else far from Koro-sensei~

Going back to where we were before, but everyone was playing sports like soccer.... with Octopus-sensei's face? And badminton? Or was it tennis? Well, Onii-chan seems to like.....stabbing it( the ball with Koro-sensei's face) with a wooden hooked-knife? OOOOkay, then.

So then, when we an area close to the class, we finally started to do stuff. First we started to do round-offs ( if you don't know, it's when you do a cartwheel but you land on both feet) for warm-ups. Then, Hinata-nee helped me do hand stands, with gloves on of course, and on a mat. I got weak arms okay?!

Scary-sensei blew the whistle, signaling that it was time to change back. And lunch time!!

WELLLLLL that's it for now. In the next chappy they are gonna talk about why Kayami doesn't go to school and other stuff. Plus there's cake. Now since you don't know her profile I'm going to make on now!!

*Feather hands: means pick-pocket. I think... she's really good at getting things without people noticing.

Name: Kayami Shirayuri Akabane ( Her middle name means white lily. That meaning Purity)

B-day: June 8

Hair color: Red

Eye color: yellow-ish gold

Gender: Girl (Obviously)

Likes: Her Onii-chan, Nagisa, stuffed-bunnies, pulling pranks with Karma, eating sweets and also making them, and Ice cream

Dislikes: Fat creepy men or woman, really dark chocolate, horror movies, her bunnies having a tear in them, spiders, and her ice cream falling on the ground.


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