Cake, milk, and lunch time.

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As I said last time, Class-E are gonna learning more about Kayami during lunch. Also, some of them are going to the main school building. What do you expect? As I said before, all this is on Kayami's POV.


We were in homeroom and everyone was taking out their bentos for lunch, talking, going outside to eat,or not eating. Why wouldn't you eat?! It's the best thing(Come on, everyone has to agree on this!)! Well, even though Onii-chan is just drinking milk......

Now I'm waiting to eat cake that the other girls are making for me. I don't know why, but free cake am I right? Eating my only onigiri I have from breakfast, I waited beside Onii-chan and Nagisa nii-chan. Nagisa nii-chan asked me something "Kayami-chan don't you have to go to school?"," Nah, she's homeschooled." Onii-chan answered for me.

"WHAAA-" He got cut off by the words I've been waiting and wanting to hear.....

"THE CAKE IS DONE!!!" Hara-San shouted opening the door. "YAY! Cake !" I run to her as fast as I could.

It was so beautiful........the cake I mean. It was layered with white frosting and chocolate cake crumbs, and it was chocolate cake!

"Thank you so much

"No problem, Kayami-chan!" She was looking at the cake, almost drooling. "Would you like a slice Hara-San?" She instantly brighten up.
"Can I? Oh thank you!" Cutting a slice for her and myself. I took one bite......IT WAS HEAVEN!!!! " THIS IS SO GOOD!!!" I was about to take my second bite when I thought of something.

I need milk.

"Onii-chan, can we go get milk?" He looked at me. " Sure, but first can I have a bit of your cake?"

I looked at the other cake and said "Get your own slice." I didn't looked at Onii-chan. He sighed " Hmph. Oh well, you're not getting your milk then~"

I gasp dramatically, putting my hand on my chest. No milk... The cake's not complete without it! It breaks my heart to do this....sacrificing my cake...its so hard. "Okay! You can have a bite, but not a big one Onii-chan!" He takes a HUGE chunk of my cake....WHAT?! "Okay let's go get your milk. Nagisa come with us if you will~."


Onii-chan and Nagisa nii-chan walked to the door with me yelling at my brother for revenge, dragging me out the door. "Korosensei, we'll be back later~",

"Okay, do be careful."


"NOOO!!! MY CAKE!!HOW COULD YOU ONII-CHAN!?!?! I WILL GET REVENGE!!!Kayano-nee chan!!!" The green-haired girl turned around. I got lifted on Onii-chan's shoulder.

"IF YOU GUARD MY CAKE I'LL LET YOU HAVE A SLICE!!!" I yell. She gasped ready to do so.

" Yes ma'am! You cake will be safe and sound!"

" THANK YOOOOoooouuuuu" We walked out of the classroom. " Onii-chan how could you take a big chunk out of my cake...."  I say while punching his back, which didn't effected him at all. He didn't answer me. "HEY!"

~Time skip to the main school building~

We were walking to the vending machine where my precious milk is. He gave the money to get milk "Okay I need to go somewhere. Nagisa watch Kayami for you wouldya~"

" Uhhhh okay." Onii-chan walked away somewhere, on the other hand I was looking for what favor milk I should get. (A/N: For me regular with cake, but strawberry milk~)

Hmm... Starwberry milk!

So I counted how much I needed and.....I just realized I was too short to put in the money. "You need me to pick you up?" Nagisa nii-chan asked, answering back " yeah" putting the money in and getting my milk from the bottom. I look around "Onii-chan's not back what's taking him so long?" Nagisa got a text. He sweat dropped, it said.

Karma: I'm watching from a tree afar. I want to see how you and Kayami handle this. Nagisa texted back.

Nagisa: Handle what?

Karma: Cuz Starwberry head is coming you way.

Nagisa questioned himself. 'Whose Starwberry head?' On that cue Asano comes around the corner. 'Oh'

I notice a boy around the corner. "Nagisa nii-chan whose that?" I pointed at him , " Oh him? That's Gakushū Asano. He's the chairman's son."

Ohhh. He notices us and walks over to us. "What are you doing here?" He says in a serious and strict tone. " O-oh we just getting something from the vending machine."

He looks down at me ."Why is a child here? Who are you?" He asks me. "Me? I'm Kayami Akabane." He raises a brow, "Akabane? As in Karma's sister? I never knew that. Well anyways, you shouldn't be here."

Hehe I'm gonna make Onii-chan proud!

I sniffed like I was about to cry. " S-s-so you're saying, I c-can't have th-this milk?" I looked at him with watery eyes. He suddenly turned uncomfortable, well one weakness to tell Onii-chan. "I-I didn't say you couldn't-"

I cut him off by crying loudly, faking it of course. "Wahhh! You're a meanie!" I cry hugging Nagisa nii-chan's leg. He patted my head, obviously knowing I was faking it.

"There there Kayami-chan." Starwberry head looked so uncomfortable that he didn't know what to do. " I-I'm sorry. P-p-please stop crying, you can have you milk, okay. Just stop crying." He said.

After all that mess, we walked away and I saw Onii-chan waiting for us. I run to him "Onii-chan! Where were you?!" He just ignored her and talked with Nagisa instead. " Ne, Nagisa why is Kayami's eyes wet? Did she cry?","Oh yeah I did!"

"Why were you fake crying?"

Darn he noticed!

"Cause some guy with a strawberry head told me I should be here. I cried to make him uncomfortable, but I didn't think I would work..... What do you think ,did I do a good job?!" I asked trying to get praise from him. "Well, you did a good job finding a weakness, and I know what I'm doing after school~" saying that last part evilly while snicking. Hmmmm..... Oh! Then I snickered with him.

Nagisa just sweat dropped. The sight of two Devils was right in front of him.

Well that's it for this chapter! I'm sorry I'm not updating as much. Next week there s gonna be Exams for me so I might not be able to write. Then again I'm a slow author. Bare with me okay? Yes! Over 1k words! I try to make chapters long.

See you my stars❤️,Neko out~

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