A Saturday: By Kayami Akabane

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This whole chapter is all in Kayami's POV. Hope you guys enjoy! I'm trying to make funny as possible...... I like how I'm was starting to write this chapter on a Saturday. Infires man (Get it?)


Today........ is a Saturday. Most kids think Saturday is their savior from school, even though it's only one day plus Sunday but whatever. They sleep for most of the morning up til noon. While others just look at their ceiling thinking of random stuff before going to do something. 

I'm part of the other people. Looking at my ceiling reflecting on my life thinking ' What have I gotten myself into? Assassinating that giant yellow.....thing. Gosh.....I want more of that cake Hara-san made.' 

" I wonder what Onii-chan is doing?" I say to myself. Students at Kunugigaoka would usually be studying from my information. My brother wouldn't do that! He's too smart for that stuff.

Oh? The time now? It's *looks at the clock* 9:45. Did you brush your teeth yet? 

Yeah I did, but i came back to my room to lay on my bed again.

It kinda sucks to be home-schooled. Unless your teacher is a giant, yellow octopus that blew up the moon, and is gonna destroy the Earth later on. Yeah..... I got 'special' permission from the principal.

You see? I just reflected on my life. Oh god. Now i sound depressed. Let's get up Kayami. "Kay, off to Onii-chan's room." Being the best ninja I can, I tip-toe to Onii-chan's room. My parents? Their on a business trip.

"Onii-chan's room is open. Let's go wake him up." My brother's room is surprisingly clean, apart from manga, games, and other things he hides in his room. Yeah once I saw a full box of wasabi mustard bombs in his closet. That was a fun time.(-_-')

"I guess I'll go wake him up." We can stop here *holds a hand up to stop you* . Okay girls or boys that are reading this.

We all know my brother has abs, I admit it's pretty great but that hard rock is suffocating *points at Karma* !! He laid on me as a punishment for using one of his bombs. What? It was another good prank!  

"Onii-chan!" I whisper yell while getting on his bed. "Onii-cha-AHHHHH!!! LET ME GO YOU!!" I got attack by him, and let me tell you it was NOT a fun time.

"What's your reason to wake me up?" He asks me with a little glare. " Help me become a good assassin." I state. "To what extent?" he asks raising an eyebrow, laying next to him pointing up "about enough to bring Terasaka down single-handed!"

"Hmm?Terasaka huh? Okay let's go young grass hopper. We start training after I'm done eating."

TimeSkip~ After Karma's done with his business.

"Okay let's start......." 

And that starts my Saturday morning....... What a Saturday......

Star: Sorry guys. I didn't expect this chapter to be short. I'm kinda running out of ideas, but still I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway. 

Kayami: It's okay Author-chan! 

Star: Thanks. Guys I'm kinda thinking of doing a Q/A secession with the characters. If you agree leave some questions in the comments! ;P

Kayami: Bye reader-chan, see you in the next chapter!! :D

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