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(A/N:)Is it only me or does every author have to look at the last chapter, for a upcoming chapter? I do, I forget.

Anyway back to the chappy!


Kayami'i POV~ Brought to you by ICE CREAM!

His eye twitched, and he got even redder with anger. He looked like a STRAWBERRY. "Why, you little brat, GET. OUT." He growls kinda yelling in my face. I looked to the side with the loli-face, and looked at him again.

'Okay think sad thoughts. Cry Kayami! CRY! CRY FOR THE ICE CREAM!!' So I thought about my stuffed bunnies being ripped apart by a weird old man. I felt my tears creeping up to my eyes.

'Yes, you're doing a good job. Keep it coming. Make one fall. GET THE ICE CREAM! ALL FOR ICE CREAM!!'

He flinched, and took a step back all because of a one lone tear sliding on my cheek. I -faked- sniff and said " B-but I-i-i wanted to wait for my O-o-onii-chan. He goes to this school." Then more tears started to come down.

A random girl was talking to her friend saying "Oh my god. Asano-kun made that little girl cry. How cruel is he?" the friend responded " You're right. She's just so little." I mentally smirked.

Strawberry head growled lowly. "And what are you doing, making my little sister cry huh~?" Onii-chan says like a devil behind him, with Nagisa-nii beside him.

"Akabane! I figured this was your sister." He says calmly, I'm beside him still *coughs* crying *cough* my eyeballs out.

Onii-chan grabs his collar, and looks at him dead straight in the eyes with a deadly glare. "Let me ask you again, why is my little sister crying?" Strawberry looks at Onii-chan with the same face. " She called me old and I yelled at her. Then she cried."

Strawberry looks at me. I give him puppy-dog eyes with a pout. He flinched again. " Well wouldja look at that, the mighty Asano can't handle crying." Onii-chan says with a smirk. "If i ever see my sistercry because of you. You will DIE. Got it?"

Strawberry only nodded. Onii-chan lets go of his collar, and walks to me. " Nagisa, Kayami, lets go." I walk along with Onii-chan and Nagisa-nii, people staring at me.

"Omg, That's Karma's sister? She looks way too innocent to be his sister."

"AWW! She's adorable!" I waved at the person. " H-hi" She gushed.

A few minutes later~ ICE CREAM!!

We walk into an ice cream shop. "Hi!" I smiled to the old lady from the counter. "Ah, Kayami-chan. Welcome, Oh is that your brother? He looks so handsome!" The old lady said patting Onii-chan's cheek like every old lady. " Thank you." He says with light pink cheeks . (A/N: OKay, anyone fangirled when Karma blushed in that one episode? That was beautiful.)

Nagisa-nii manage to not laugh out loud.

" Now what would you kids like? You with the blue-hair. May I guess your favorite flavor?" The old lady looks at Nagisa-nii. "O-oh Sure."

"Is it vanilla?" Nagisa-nii looks shocked. "I'll take that as a yes. Would you like in a cup of cone, and how many scoops dear?"

He manage to speak. " A cup, with two scoops please."

"I'll have a cone with two scoops of Chocolate, with frozen strawberries please." Onii-chan says.

"I'll have my usual." My usual is a cup with two scoops of mint chocolate chip ice cream (A/N: My favorite) with mochi balls.

" Your total is 8.57" Onii-chan paid for all of it. HEHE. "Karma-kun, I could of paid for myself you know." Nagisa-nii says with a pout as we head out. "It's okay besides I'm in a good mood."

We went out separate ways. " Bye Nagisa-nii!" I waved, he waved back.

"By the way Kayami..."

"Hmm?" I look at Onii-chan with a spoon in my mouth.








"Don't tell mom I gave you ice cream."

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Honestly I'm tired writing this chapter, and it's *Looks at the time.* 12:00 in the afternoon. I can't believe i wrote this in a day! Anyway I might not be able to update faster. I'm kind of on writer's block so I hope I update sooner. Bye!

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