That Fat dude a.k.a Takaoka

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Everyone know that fat dude Takaoka, but if you don't know who he is well.... go watch the anime. BUT OF COURSE I'm gonna write that one badass Nagisa scene. BEST. SCENE. EVER. Enjoy! Btw I'm pretty sure Karma wasn't in this episode right? I'll make some adjustments.


"I still don't like that fat dude"

"Well sister, i have to totally agree with you." Karma says walking behind her. "Onii-chan. Since both of us are always right should we stay away?" He nodded. "Later. By the way how's training going for you? "

"I feel like a ninja." She says doing a pose. A/N: Fact! Kids are more flexible when they're young. That's why kids start something like ballet, gymnastics, or martial arts early when their bones are not completely... developed. I couldn't think of any other words.

"Onii-chan I want to eat sweets too," She says fast walking towards the group of students "but at the same time I don't know if I should trust this man." She stops trying not to walk forward.

" Kayami.....but sweeets. " She says trying to pull back her right arm that wanted to come forward.

As you can tell she fighting herself physically and mentally. As Karma watches her fighting with her own body. "Goodness."

"ONII-CHAN!! JUST CARRY ME THERE!! MY BODY WON'T FUNCTION RIGHT!!" She screams back at him. He sighs and puts her over his shoulder like potatoes.

"Oh my god! Macaroons, eclair mini cakes, OMG is that a double stuffed chocolate chip cookie?!" Kayano fangirls over them drooling....along with Koro-sensei.

"What can I say I'm sweets guy" Takaoka says making a "cute" derp face. "Besides we're family now so like I'm the dad ," He puts his arm over Sugino's and Okajima's shoulders.

"Karasuma take a break, let my handle this." Karasuma sighs and get up from the ground.

"Scary-sensei," Kayami says pulling his sleeve. "I don't like him. He gives off bad vibes."

"As do I. Come lets take a look at him. Karma! I'm taking your sister for a minute." He says walking to the building. Karma runs to Kayami whispering something in ear. "Hai!" Kayami salutes before going in the building with Karasuma.

In the teacher's room~

"Sensei who is he? Do you know him?" She asks standing on a chair, while he turns on his laptop. "I do. He was my partner while we were training other agents, but you're right he does feel off some how." '

He goes to Takaoka's profile. A picture shows Takaoka standing with a few other men smiling.

"Seem like this are men he trained." While he observes Kayami's notices something. "Sensei I see another picture behind this one." She points to the faint outline of the other photo. He raises an eyebrow and clicks it.

They both gasp.

It showed the same men with their backs turned with hands tied. Red marks covering their backs due to wiping. There stands the man smiling while smiling ,pointing to the backs.

"Oh my god." Kayami says with her hands to her mouth. "The class!" Karasuma turns his head towards the to see Kanzaki getting slapped.


"Kanzaki-nee!" They both run out of the room.

A few minutes ago after Karasuma and Kayami went away...

"Well guys I'm going to be your new P.E. teacher!" Takaoka says to all of them-- except Karma--.

"Really? I didn't hear." Kayano said. "Well principal approved so why not?" Then he takes out a pile of papers. "From now on these are your schedules." He says handing off a piece of paper.

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