After School it's playtime!!

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Star: *Listening to BTS: Cypher part. 4 * Hey out of all the parts I prefer this one. Now onto the chappy!!

~After School getting out of the forest to the main gate~ (BTW, it's 3rd POV)

"Onii-chan I'm tried, can't you carry me?" A little girl with red hair asked, trying her best not to fall on her face. 

"Nah, you're a big girl now Kayami. Besides I have to do this every day." The older sibling with a sinister aura around him. You could literally see horns and devil's tail. "Ehehe, Karma you're here most of the time though.." Nagisa said. Kayami made a "OH!" face and put her hand over her mouth and said " OOHH BURN!!" She high-fived Nagisa.

"I'm being betrayed by my own sister whose only they sure grow fast." Kayami looked at her brother "Onii-chan why do you sound like a old man. You're not dead yet." He turned to look at her.

"What's that pipsqueak? " Pinching her cheeks with a tick mark on his head, "I'm not old, if you're calling someone old say it to that starwberry head over there." He points at Asano who is watching students leave. "Aye, sir!"(A/N: I hope you got the reference...) She saluted and ran off into the distance, leaving a trail of "dust" behind her. She slows down and quietly sneaks beside him, and stands right next to him.

Kayami"s POV~ [?] Maybe?

I tiptoed around that strawberry head, what? I like calling him that. Besides, it's WAY more fun me..... I guess in a way -__-' 

Anyway, I was there right beside him- I mean, Strawberry Head- like a ninja. Thank you Naruto-san ..... *bows*(=^ . ^=) 

 I'm gonna break the 4th wall here Reader-Chan. So, like you know that hand sign Natsu was doing in that Fat dudes house. When he was saying " Nin, Nin!". Yeah that's what I'm doing around him (Strawberry Head). (A/N: If you don't know what I'm talking about. It's that episode when they were supposed to destroy/burn the book called Daybreak. Yeah that's the one.)

Back to reality.......

Doing that around him, a female student noticed me.  I put my finger on my lips telling her to shush, trying not to blow my cover., I need to be noticed for my plan!  'Ey, lady notice me!' I think in my head.So I stand still beside him like I was doing before. Copying him. Having that seriously funny, serious face.... Today was the best day. I looked behind to see if Onii-chan and Nagisa-niichan are still there, they both stared at me, watching my every move. 

Onii-chan held a paper with a ice cream drawn on it. I drooled for it, sparkles in my eyes I get back on my mission, 'Ice cream just you wait! I'ma come for you!' I shake my head and focus.

"Hey Asano-san, who's that little girl beside you?" the female student asked. "What little gir....l, oh well I don't know her. Get along now, you don't want your parents worried about you." The female student nodded and walked off. 

The strawberry head looked at me, and with a (hilariously)serious face he asked me "Why are you here?" I just stared at him like a Loli, and said " You know," I could hear Onii-chan and Nagisa-niichan walking behind us, "you like really old, " His eye twitched.

"Also, you look super hilarious with that so called "serious" face, you have on your face." I pointed at his face. 

His eye twitched and said with steam coming out of his head, " Why , you little brat...."

And that's it for today! I'm gonna start the next chapter tomorrow, so look forward to that! As always I hope you enjoyed this Chappy. 

Bye and Good night Reader-chan! zzzzzzz

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