Chapter Six

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“Mommy.” I say, running up to her. She turns around and what I see makes me stop. Her face is morphed into something scary. “Mommy?” I ask hesitantly. She looks at me and tells me to run. I do as I’m told and run away from her, crying the whole time. I can head something chasing after me. It’s starting to get close. I turn to look at what’s behind me and see a huge wolf chasing after me. I scream and just as it is about to lunge for me a loud bang is heard and the wolf falls to the ground. I fall to the ground crying.

            I head footsteps coming toward me and the now limp wolf. I can’t move because of the fear that I am feeling. I look up as I see two figures walk into view. They notice me and look at each other. “What should we do with him?” One of them asks. I can see the other one shrug and raise his gun at me. I start to feel even more scared knowing what he is going to do. I start whimpering and he lowers the gun.

            “Where’s my mommy?” I ask looking around. I turn to what was a wolf and see that it is my mom’s body. “What did you do?” I scream feeling something stir within me. “How could you hurt her?” I cry crawling toward her body. “Mommy wake up.” I say crying. “Please mommy, you have to.” I say shaking her. I turn toward the two man and glare at them. “You will pay for this,” I tell them standing.

 I feel my body grow hot then a blinding pain flashes through my body. I scream and fall to the ground. I feel my skin bubbling and changing. I curl into a ball and try to scream again but it comes out as a howl. When the pain subsides I stand up only to find that I’m on all fours. I look over myself and notice I’m a wolf.

‘But how?’ I think. I then turn toward the two men that are still standing there, shocked looks on there faces. I growl at them as they both aim for me. I dart at them as the both fire. I feel a sharp pain in my side but ignore it. Before one of them has a chance to fire again, I am on him and tackling him to the ground. I tear out his throat, and then turn to the other guy. I catch just a hint of his face before he raises the gun at me.

He fires at me and I yelp feeling something tear through my chest. I fall to the ground. He walks over to me and I try to move away. “You never had a chance.” He tells me. “Not against Darius.” He says before walking away. I watch him walk away as the world goes dark.

I jerk awake in a cold sweat. I look around before remembering that I am in a hotel room. The sun is shining through the slit in the curtain. I look at the clock and it reads 6:30. Well looks like I’m getting a tattoo. I think as I get out of bed and grab a pair of clothes out of my bag. I change into them before heading toward the bathroom to pee. I look around the room and decide to grab a small bag of weapons just in case.

I head out the door and make sure its lock and that I have my keys before heading toward my car. I open the door and throw the bag into the back seat before getting in. I get in and pull out of the parking lot and head toward that tattoo parlor. I get there and see that it’s closed so I decide to get something to eat. I drive to a Mc Donald’s and order 4 breakfast burritos with an orange juice. I pay for it and drive around town for and hour and a half, after finishing my food.

I start to recall the dream I had. It was a flashback of the first time I ever shifted into a werewolf. I now remember why that guy looked so familiar. “Just my luck.” I say as I pull up to the tattoo parlor and park my car to wait. I pull out the picture and study it closer. I notice the tattoo and can’t shake the feeling that I should know it. Oh well, Its to late for that. I say looking toward the door as I see it swing open. I catch a glimpse of dirty blonde hair and some black ink. I smile to myself knowing I’m in the right place. I get out of my car and walk into the shop.

A bell jingles as I open the door. I look around the shop, noticing all the pictures of tattoos on the wall. Nice variety. I think as I spot one I like. I walk over to it to inspect it. It’s a wolf howling at a moon. I smiling knowing that I want the moon to be carved into the shape of a rose. I catch the scent of someone walking towards me. I turn to him as he steps next to me.

“Find anything you like?” He asks. I nod pointing toward the wolf. He smiles. “Haven’t done that one in a while. Why do you like it?” he asks.

“I find wolves misunderstood and underappreciated.” I tell him. “I also what the moon to be in the shape of a rose if it’s not to much trouble.” I say.

“No trouble at all.” He says smiling. “In fact, I think the rose would look even better. “Its going to take about 6 hours to finish.” He tells me. “And it’s going to hurt like hell.”

“I understand. Lets get started.” I say. “My names Axle.” I explain holding out my hand. “Axle Nightshade.”

“Jason.” He tells me shaking my hand. “Jason Gold. Nightshade, what kind on last name is that?” He asks letting go of my hand.

“I never knew my parents and have been on my own since I was 7. That was ten years ago so I gave myself the name.” I explain as he leads me into the room. “You don’t mind if I sleep, do you?” I ask. She shakes his head and tells me to go ahead. I take off my shirt and sit in the chair with my back facing him. “I want it on my right shoulder blade.” I say before resting my head down. I head him say something before drifting into another flashback.

            My eyes are fluttering open every so often. I can hear people talking and shouting things at each other. I hear beeping. I look to my right and see a heart monitor. I look down and see that I have shifted back to human while I was out. I feel lightheaded from the shouting and the bright lights. I look over to my left and see that the table I’m on is covered in blood. I look at the doctor that is working on me and he notices me watching him. “Hey, get some more gas going. He’s waking up.” He yells.

“Where’s Mommy?” I whisper, my voice barely audible over the noise. “Someone help my mommy.” I say before my eyes close and the line on the heart monitor goes flat. The last thing I head before the world goes black again is “Damn it. Get the …..” and I pass out.

I wake up to someone shaking my by my shoulder. I open my eyes and see that I’m in the tattoo parlor. “Hey man, you alright?” Jason asks.

“I’m fine. Just a bad dream.” I tell him. I go to stand and then relies the pain in my shoulder. I grit my teeth against it and stand by the mirror. “It looks great.” I tell him. It looks just like I imagined. I turn back to him. “Now it’s time for you to get paid.” I say smiling.

            He leads me to a counter in the front of the store and I pay him for the tattoo. I walk out to my car and get in. I grab my phone noticing that Quinn texted me about 3 hours ago. Hey, heading out. Jessica found Elisabeth. We’ll be there in about three and a half hours. I sigh after reading the test. I drive my car to my hotel and see that the pack’s cars are all here. I pull up and get out. I head inside and hear people arguing about something. I look to the front desk and see Marie yelling at the desk manager about me being here. “

            “Hey guys.” I call smiling as they turn toward me.

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