Chapter Five

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            I’m sitting in my car, driving toward Joplin. I am about an hour away when my phone goes off. I look down to see the Quinn is calling me. I sigh, regretting what’s about to happen, and answer the phone. “Hello.” I say.

            “What the hell are you thinking?” He yells. I cringe from how loud it is through the phone.

            “Driving,” I said casually. “What are you guys doing?” I ask.

            “Skylar called us panicking when she found the note.” Quinn explains. “Why would you take off without telling us where you were headed?”

            “I already told you in the note. I need to do this by myself,” I tell him. I can hear someone mutter something about me not being able to handle seeing Elisabeth. “Quinn, hand the phone to who ever just said that.” I tell him. I hear the phone being passed from hand to hand. “Who is this?” I ask.

            “Allie.” She says. “Don’t yell at me about what I just said because we both know its true,” she tells me.

            “Walk out of the room, now.” I tell her. She sighs. I hear her footsteps through the phone telling me that she has walked into the kitchen. “You’re right. I can’t handle seeing her right now. I snapped and went off on her last night alright. I needed sometime to myself to calm down.” I tell her.

            “So you admit it then?” She asks, sounding surprised.

            “I just said that,” I say. “I’m going to tell you where I’m headed but promise me you won’t let anyone leave until tomorrow.” I say.

            “Fine, I promise,” She tells me.

            “I’m headed to Joplin, Missouri,” I say. “I’m only an hour from getting there. No one leaves the house, alright? There is food in the kitchen and a secret stash of vodka in the basement. Its in the deep freeze under the popsicles.” I explain. “Help yourself.”

            “Alright,” She says. “I just wish that you would have told us this before we had the phone call.”

            “I know and I’m sorry.” I say. “I’ll text you the address of where I’m staying later.” I say. “Good bye.”

            “Fine. Bye.” She says before I hang up. I sit there thinking of the things that they are going to do when they see me next time. I’m in for a world of hurt tomorrow. I think laughing to myself. I drive in silence for the next hour until I reach Joplin. I am just hitting the city limits, when I get a call from a restricted number.

            “Hello?” I ask as I answer the phone.

            “I see you have made it to Joplin.” I hear a familiar voice say.

            “Yes I have Darius. Now where do I find Jason?” I ask with hatred in my voice.

            “Oh, its not that simply,” He tells me. “You will have to get him to go voluntarily,” He explains. “If I see a single bruise when he gets here, the girl dies right in front of you. Then your pathetic excuse for a pack and lastly you.”

            I growl through the phone. “Fine. So I have to get him to trust me. How am I supposed to get him to do that?” I ask.

            “You’re a smart man. You can think of something,” He tells me. “You have until the end of the month,” He says before hanging up. I throw my phone into the passenger seat.

            “Damn it.” I say as frustration starts to set in. I smack the dashboard and leave a nasty dent. “Great, one more thing to take care of.” I say as I pull into Joplin. I’m just pulling over at a gas station to refuel and grab something to eat, when my phone vibrates. I grab it and see that I have a text from someone. I unlock the phone and check the message. He works at a tattoo parlor on the corner of 11th and Main. It reads. I smile.

            “I’ve always wanted to get a tattoo.” I say. I get out of the car and start to pump the gas. I pull the nozzle out of the tank, put it back, close the tank, and head inside to pay. I grab a bag of chips and a soda. I walk up to the counter and pay for the things I have gotten and walk out. I drive to the nearest hotel and stop the car. I get out and my phone vibrates. I pull it out of my pocket and check the phone. I see that I have a text from Elisabeth.

Where the hell are you? It reads. I sigh and put the phone back in my pocket, not really wanting to talk to her right now. I walk into the hotel and go to the check in office. I request a room for one. The lady tells me that it will be 54 dollars to stay one night. I nod and pay her. She hands me a key and I turn around. I walk out the door and to my car. I drive around to the back of the building and grab my two bags. I carry them up the stairs and into my room, which happens to be room 617. I only notice because that’s my birthday, June 17th. What an odd thing. I think to myself before shaking my head.

            I put the keycard I was given for the room into the lock. I hear the click and open the door. I step into my room and notice the king size bed. Alright. I think to myself. I set my bags down in a corner and walk into the bathroom. I look in the mirror and think about what I’m going to have to do to get close to this Jason guy. I sigh not really coming up with anything yet. I walk out of the bathroom and lay on the bed. I pull out my phone and text Allie the address of the hotel I’m staying at and the room number.

I lay there staring at the ceiling. I feel myself nodding off to sleep. I’m just about to fall asleep when my phone vibrates. Allie has texted me back. No one has left but we can’t find Elisabeth. I sigh knowing that she ran off to cry somewhere.

I lay there until I fall into the worst nights sleep I've ever had.

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