Chapter Seven

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             I smile as Skylar tackles me into a hug. “Don’t ever do that again.” She tells me. I nod, telling her that I won’t. Skylar lets go of me and stands back as Quinn walks over to me and holds out his hand.

            “Nice to see that you’re still alive.” He tells me as we shake hands.

            “I know right.” I say chuckling. Allie walks over to me and hugs me tight, her left arm landing on my new tattoo. I wince and she draws back with a confused look on her face. “I’ll explain later.” I tell her as Jessica walks up to me. She stops in front of me for a second before rearing back and smacking me as hard as she can. My head snaps to the side and I stumble. I look back at her. “I guess I deserved that,” I say rubbing the left side of my face.

            “What the hell were you thinking running off like that?” She screams at me. “For all we knew you could have been killed.”

            “I missed you too.” I say laughing at her anger. She has always been like this. Overreacting about little things. “I just wanted to scope him out alone first.” I tell her. I turn to Marie and hug her. She also hits my tattoo and I wince again. She lets go and takes a step away from me.

            I turn to Elisabeth, but she refuses to look at me. I walk over to her and hug her. I don’t care how awkward it is, I had missed her. She went rigid then slowly put her arms around me and started to squeeze me. She was squeezing the tattoo and it hurt like hell but I didn’t care. It felt good to hug each other. She finally let go went I sucked in a painful breath.

I looked at the lady at the front desk and asked if it was possible to get two more rooms next to mine. She nodded and handed me 3 keys for the room to the right of mine, two keys to the room to the left, and one more key to mine. I turned to the pack and walked out the doors. They followed me and got into the cars that were brought. I got into my car; Skylar, Elisabeth, and Jessica got into Jessica’s car; Quinn, Marie, and Allie got into Quinn’s car. I took the lead, Jessica was next, and Quinn brought up the rear. I drove toward my room and parked. The rest of them parked on either side of me. I got out and walked up to my room and waited for everyone to get there.

“Alright guys,” I say when everyone is by my door. “Allie and Jessica, You guys take room 616.” I tell them handing them the two keys for that room. “Skylar, Elisabeth, and Marie, I didn’t think you guys would mind sharing a room between the three of you,” I start as they all nod. “So here are your keys to room 618.” I tell them handing them their keys. “And Quinn, your with me.” I say handing him a key. “Everyone get your things in your rooms then come into my room for a meeting.” I say as everyone walks back to the cars.

I walk into my room and think about the two dreams I’ve had. Why are they coming back again? I think to myself as Quinn walks in with his three bags. “Damn man, what did you bring?” I ask.

“Well one has shirts, the other has pants and shorts, and the other has some small weapons I thought we might need.” He tells me.

I sigh. “Well alright.” I say. He sits on the other bed and waits for the girls with me.

“What’s wrong?” He asks. I tell him that nothing is wrong but he looks at me with a face that says don’t lie to me. “Come on. Tell me. I won’t tell anyone.” He promises.

“Fine,” I sigh. “Its just that I’ve been having…” I start to explain before a knock at my door interrupts me. “I’ll explain later.” I tell him getting up and opening the door. I see the girls standing there. “Come on in.” I say standing off to the side. They walk into the room and sit on the beds. I stand in front of them.

“Alright first off, I know Allie, Marie, and Elisabeth are wondering why I winced when I hugged you guys. Well brace yourselves,” I say turning my back to them. I take my shirt off to show them the tattoo. I hear everyone gasp. I can hear someone get up and walk over to me. I feel a hand gently touch the tattoo. I have to struggle to keep myself from cringing away from them, because of how much it hurts.

“Its beautiful.” I hear Quinn say. Everyone in the room agrees.

I turn around to see that Elisabeth is the one that was touching my back. She blushes and quickly moves across the room from me. I fight back a blush and put my shirt back on, suddenly self-conscience about having my shirt off in front of her.

“Alright. Second thing on the agenda, I have met with the man that we are suppose to convince to come back with us and trade him for Cyn,” I tell everyone. “He is the tattoo artist that did mine. If you want you guys can get something, I don’t care. I have an idea on how to convince him how to come back with us.” I tell everyone. My eyes land on Jessica. “I have a hunch that he is into the strong independent type of woman. Jessica, now is the time that you need to learn how to charm a man.” I say smiling.

She grimaces. “Do I have to?” She whines.

“You’re the only one who can pull it off.” I tell her. “Just remember this is only an act.”

“Yeah, yeah,” She mutters.

“Alright guys you’re free to do whatever it is you want to do for the rest of the day. Just make sure your phones are on and you are up by 7-tomorrow morning. I will be waiting for a knock on my door at 7:30 at the latest.” I tell them. They all head for the door except for Quinn, who stays on his bed. I sit on my bed and look at him.

“So what were you trying to tell me?” He asks.

“I’ve been having nightmares.” I tell him. His eyes widen in surprise. “But I don’t think they are just nightmares. I think their suppressed memories from my childhood.” I explain. “I saw my mother being killed by the man who took Cyn. He also shot me. I woke up in the hospital then I think I died.” I tell him. He just looks at me.

“I think the best thing to do is to try and make sense of these memories to se if they can help in anyway with the situation with Cyn.” He says.

“Your right.” I say. “I should get some more sleep. Maybe I’ll have some more memories.” I say lying down. “If you need anything just wake me.” I say covering up. He nods and pulls out his phone and puts his ear buds in. I roll to look at the wall away from Quinn and fall asleep.

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