Chapter Seventeen

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            I wake up and notice that I’m in a bed. I get up and look around. I’m in a room furnished with a dresser, and a desk in the corner. I get up and get dressed. I head down stairs. I walk into the kitchen and see my mother cooking. I try to sneak up on her. Right before I’m about to say boo, she spins around, grabs my shoulders, and roars. We start laughing.

            She turns back to the stove and tells me that the pancakes are almost done. I sit there for a few seconds before a question forms in my head. “Hey mom,” I ask. “How do you become an elder wolf?”

            Her arms freeze above the pan. “Why would you ask something like that?”

            “I was just wondering,” I say as she turns around.

            “Well,” she starts, “there are two different ways. You can defeat and kill someone who is already an elder wolf, or you can kill the ones who matter the most to you,” she explains to me. “Why are you asking?”

            “I heard daddy say that he found a way to become one,” I tell her. She walks out of the kitchen. I sit there as I start to hear voices. I stand up as I hear something hit the floor. My mother comes back into the kitchen and grabs my arm.

            “Come on sweetheart,” she tells me. “We have to go, now.” She drags me out of the house and as I turn around I see my dad looking out after us. I see his green eyes.      

            I jerk awake at that look. “It can’t be.” I say as I wipe some sweat from my face. “It’s not possible.” I shake my head trying to disprove the theory that I have. I look at my watch and notice that it’s 3:30. “Damn, looks like I’m not getting anymore sleep,” I say as I stand up and gather my things. I hop off the roof and put everything into the trunk of my car. I slam the trunk and sigh.

            “What’s wrong?” I hear someone ask from behind me. I turn around and see Allie standing there.  “Who’d you expect?”

            “No one,” I say. “Why are you up so late?”

            “Couldn’t sleep. You?”

            “Memories,” I explain. “I’m guessing that Quinn told you guys that much?” She nods. “I just had another one that I can’t ignore like the others.”

            “What do you mean?” She asks sitting on the trunk of my car.

            I pull myself up beside her before explaining. “I know why he wants Jason.” I tell her as I push my hair back. “Darius is looking for his son.” I watch her face as she soaks it in.

            “But how do you know that?” She asks after a few minutes.

            “Lets just say that I remember something he said.” I lay back on the car.

            “Alright,” She says laying next to me. “But I don’t believe that. I think there’s something you’re not telling us.” I shrug. “Well you have your reasons for that I assume, so I’ll just drop it.”

            “Thanks,” I say looking at the stars. “It’s beautiful out tonight.” She agrees and we just lay there for twenty minutes before I look over and notice that she’s asleep. I smile as I sit up. I walk over next to her and lift her off the car. I carry her to her room and open the door. I set her one of the beds and pull the covers over her.

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