Chapter Eight

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            I open my eyes to see a white ceiling. I turn my head to the left and see an overview of an island. ‘Where am I?’ I think to myself as I start to sit up. I am stopped about halfway up by a tightness in my chest. I look down and notice I’m in a hospital gown. I pull the neck down and see a scar on the right side of my chest. I lay back. “How long have I been out?” I ask out loud.

            “One year,” a voice to my right says. I jerk my head over there and see a beautiful woman in a nurse’s outfit. She has chestnut, shoulder length hair, brown eyes, and an hourglass figure. “We were starting to think you weren’t going to wake up.” She says clicking her pen and starting to write on a clipboard. “You’ve been moved to this hospital because no one could figure out why you went into a coma. The doctor was scheduled to take you off of life support later this evening but he has no need for worry.” She tells me with a smile.

            “What’s you name?” I ask as I try to sit up, successfully this time.

            “Becky.” She tells me putting her pen in her pocket then looking at me. “What’s yours?”

            “Axle.” I say. “I don’t remember my last name.” I tell her. “But if I’m in a hospital, why don’t you guys know who I am from blood tests?” I ask after a brief pause.

            “We couldn’t find a match to your DNA,” she explains. “It’s never happened to us before. Can you tell me what happened when you were shot?” She asks.

            “I don’t remember much,” I say. “I don’t mean to so useless. The last thing I remember is waking up with doctors around me and them everything went black.”

            “Alright. Take your time.” She says. “You stay in bed. I’ll get you some real food.” She tells me walking out of my room. I look out the window. ‘I have to get out of here.’ I think as I stand up. I look at my arm and rip the I.V. out of my arm. It tears through my skin on the way out. I wince from it then pull at the things sticking to my chest. I throw them on the floor before starting to run over to the window. I notice that I have grown a lot while I was in a coma. I hit the window and fall through it.

As I fall I shift into a wolf and land on the second story roof with a thud. I stand up and start to run on all fours. I jump off of the roof and land in a tree. I start to make my way down the tree when a branch snaps under me. I fall to the ground. I get up, shake myself off, and start running. I run towards the coast. I get to a beach and start to dig a hole to rest in. I curl into a ball in the hole and go to sleep.

I head the alarm going off next to me and I throw my hand down on it. It stops beeping and I crush it from hitting it so hard. “Great. Just what I needed,” I grumble getting out of bed. I look over at Quinn and notice that his bed is empty. I grab my phone and test him. Hey man. Where are you? I set my phone down and vet dressed. I sit on my bed and wait for something. I’m not sure if it’s Quinn or Elisabeth that I’m waiting on though. Someone knocks on the door, interrupting my thoughts. I get up and open the door to see Elisabeth standing there.

“Hey.” I say as my heart skips a beat. “What’s up?” I ask trying to act natural.

“Can we talk?” She asks. I nod and step to the side. She walks in. I shut the door behind her and turn around. Before I have a chance to say anything she kisses me. I don’t have time to react before she pulls back. “I’m so sorry about what happened the other day. I know I didn’t handle it that well. I broke up with the other guy and I just want you to know…” She says. I stop her by kissing her. I wrap my arms around her as she kisses me back. Her arms go around my neck. She has the biggest smile on her face when I pull back for air. “So I guess this means I’m forgiven?” She asks.

“Yes.” I say kissing her again. We break apart as the door opens and Quinn looks at us.

“Am I interrupting something?” He asks.

“Not at all.” I say, sighing. “Elisabeth was just telling me something. You should get back to Skylar and make sure she’s not freaking out.” I say to her. She nods and leaves, shutting the door behind her. “You couldn’t have chosen a worst time to walk in.” I say to Quinn.

“Well I hope this makes up for it,” He says tossing me a white sack with colorful writing on it.

“Breakfast?” I ask as I open it.

“Yep.” He says walking past me. “I already eat mine and gave the girls theirs.”

“Thanks.” I say taking a bite of a breakfast burrito. “But you owe me.”

“Fine,” He tells me walking into the bathroom. I hear the water running a few minutes later, telling me that he is either taking a shower or a bath. I grab my phone and open Ifunny. I sit there looking through the app for about 5 minutes before another knock on my door interrupts me.

I open the door and see Marie standing there. “Come on in,” I tell her stepping to the side. “Quinn’s in the shower.” I say shutting the door behind her.

“Axle,” she starts. “I need to tell you something.”

“What is it?” I ask.

“Well, its kind of hard to explain,” she says looking nervous. “You know how you like Elisabeth? Of course you do. You’re the one who likes her. That was a stupid question. I’m rambling again aren’t I? I don’t know why I just can’t seem to shut up…” She rambles.

I put my hand on her shoulder. “Calm down,” I tell her. “Just come out with it.”

“I like you,” She tells me. I jerk back from surprise. “I mean I like like you. I want to date you.” She explains. With that she kisses me.

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