Chapter Eighteen

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            We drive into the gates and I stop just in front of the house. I shut the car off and open my door. I go around to the trunk and grab the jacket that has my holsters inside of it. I put it on and grab the guns. I put the extra clips inside my pockets. I grab my new throwing stars and slide them up my sleeves. I grab a few knives and slide them into my boots. I look at everyone.

            “Everyone got something to defend himself or herself with if it comes to that?” I ask. Everyone nods and flashes their weapons. I notice that Elisabeth is using Wolfbane. “Alright. If Cyn comes out before me, get her out of here,” I say to them. Everyone nods again, but I see some sadness on everyone’s face. “I will call if I’m alright. Now everyone stay here. Jason come with me,” I say as he steps up to me.

            We walk up to the door and I look at Jason. “I need you to promise me something,” I start. “When we get Cyn, you have to leave. No matter what happens to me, you have to get her away from here.”

            “I promise,” He says as I knock on the door. I thank him and turn to the door as it swings open.

            “Ah, Axle and Jason. Come on in,” someone I’ve never met says, standing to the side to let us in. We walk into the entrance hall. “Darius is in the room to the left.” Jason and I go into the room that he said and see Darius sitting with hit back to the opposite wall.

            “I’ve been expecting you two,” he tells us.

            “I know why you want Jason now,” I say before Jason has a chance to say anything.

            “Please enlighten me,” Darius says, suddenly interesting.

            “You’re looking for your son,” I tell him. He looks shocked that I figured it out. “You need to kill your son to become a full elder wolf.”

            “Well, well, well. I must say, I’m impressed,” He says clapping. “But I must ask how you figured this out?”

            “That’s not important right now,” I tell him. “Right now, you have something to return to me.” He nods and looks to the left. I follow his gaze and see a door open. I see Cyn with a blindfold on and a nasty looking bruise on her face. A guy is holding her arms and pushes her forward so that she stumbles. I feel my anger flare but keep it in check.

            “Here she is, as promised,” He tells me with a sick smile on his face. “We had a little accident putting her into the room.”

            “I understand,” I tell him, trying desperately to keep my anger under control. “Jason, take her outside please.” He nods and runs over to her. He pulls out his knife and cuts the guard holding her. I remember that knife from a previous meeting with it. The guard draws back and falls to the ground.

            “What is the meaning of this?” Darius asks standing up.

            “I promised you Jason, but he is not what you’re looking for,” I tell him as Jason takes Cyn out of the room as fast as he can. “I am your son,” I pause, waiting for it to sink in. “I watched you kill my mother and you tried to kill me, but something kept you from hitting a vital area, why is that?” I ask. “Do you have a soft spot for your son?”

            He flashes toward me but I’m already moving before he has a chance. I duck under his hand, which is now a paw, and slam my fist into his stomach. He draws a pained breath before pulling his knee into my chest. We both slide back a few feet before coming to a stop.

            “Not bad for a child,” He tells me.

            “Not bad for an old man,” I counter. “Now lets really see how fast you are.” I let a few throwing stars slide down my sleeve and start to throw them at him. He starts to dodge them, but a few hit him in his right arm. “Not as fast as you claim,” I say laughing. I see him run at me but let him get close enough to touch before I flip over him. I land behind him and throw a spin kick at his side.

            “Not as fast as you thought either,” he says catching my leg and throwing me into the wall. I hit the wall and slide down it. I hit the ground and shake my head to clear the stars from my vision. I see him running at me and I pull out my guns. I start shooting at him; he rolls behind the table and flips it over. I finish unloading the clips on the table hoping to hurt him a little bit.

            “That the best you can do?” I ask coughing. I cover my mouth and feel something hit my hand. I pull it away to see blood. I hear three thuds to my left. I look to see that he pulled the throwing stars out and threw them back. “Your aims off, father.” I get up and walk toward the table. The table comes speeding toward me. I laugh and kick the table, causing it to splinter into pieces.

            “You’re a lot tougher then I thought you would be,” He tells me holding the left side of his chest. I see blood starting to seep down his shirt.

            “I see that I did hit you,” I say tossing my guns to the floor. I stop walking toward him and look around. “Why are there no guards running to help you?” I ask him.

            “I never thought that someone was stupid enough to attack me head-on, so I only keep a few on hand,” He explains as the bleeding on his chest stops. He pulls his hand away. “Looks like I’m going to need a few more next time.”

            “There’s not going to be a next time,” I tell him as I rush toward him. He sprints toward me and tried to spring away when change into wolf form right before hitting him. I clamp down on his leg and twist for all I’m worth. He kicks me off and shifts too. We charge at each other and I get the upper hand again. I latch on to his throat and squeeze as hard as I can. He starts to flair around, trying to dislodge me. I bite harder. I feel his throat crush under the pressure and taste blood rush into my mouth.

            I let go of my father and howl as he dies. I shift back into my human form and look him in the eye. “That was for my mother,” I tell him as I pull the knives out of my boots. He stands shakily, trying to get to me before he dies. “This one’s for me,” I say as I see him start to pounce. I holler and rush him in the air. I throw my weight behind the knives as I thrust them into his chest. I hear the door to the room burst open as my father starts to gurgle. His blood sprays all over my face and I look over to see my pack standing in the doorway.

            “What…?” Quinn starts but can’t finish because of the side in front of him. I throw my father’s dead body to the floor. “How…?” He tries again.

“He threatened my family,” I say shrugging. “He deserved to die a horrible death,” I explain as I feel my body start to burn. I double over in pain and fall to my knees. I scream out in pain as my skin starts to bubble. I feel new power course through my veins.  I feel the pain start to subside and I sit back up. Everyone start to rush toward me, asking if I’m all right.

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