Chapter Ten

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Sorry it took so long to upload this chapter. Kinda been having a hectic month. 

            I look up at Elisabeth waiting for her to catch her breath. “That was amazing.” She tells me as she lays her head on my chest. I smile at her. I didn’t have words to describe how I feel. “So what are we going to tell the others?” I cock my head to the side, not having thought about that.

            “We won’t tell them anything unless they ask,” I explain, “and if they do ask we can tell them that we just went for a walk.”

            “Alright,” she smiles, “We should get back now. It’s starting to get dark.” I look around noticing that it is almost twilight, I nod in reply. Elisabeth stands up and I can’t help but stare as she reaches for her clothes. “What?” she asks when she catches me staring.

            “Nothing,” I tell her, “I just can’t get over how beautiful you look.”

            “Just cause I’m naked doesn’t make me more attractive,” she says throwing a pinecone at me. I laugh as it bounces off of my chest. I sit up and grab my clothes to start getting dressed.

            “You’re right, but it doesn’t make you less attractive either.” I tell her as I stand. She already has her underwear on and is about to put her pants on. “How about a race to see who can get dressed and get to the car first?” I ask pulling on my boxers.

            “Sure, but what does the loser have to do?” She asks holding her jeans in her hands.

            “Umm… the loser has to tell Skylar what we just did, and the winner gets to drive,” I suggest. She agrees to the terms. “On three.” I say. “One, two… three!” Elisabeth starts to but her clothes on as fast as she can. I on the other hand, just take my time. By the time I’m grabbing my shirt she is already got her shoes on. She stands up and smiles at me.

            “See you at the car,” She says as she takes off running. I smile as I grab my shoes and put them on. I start running about 2 minutes behind her, but I catch up to her in no time. She looks behind her to see how far behind I am but doesn’t see me. She comes up to the car breathing heavily.  She looks around and smiles. I start the car causing her to jump. “What the fuck?” She asks noticing me sitting in the driver’s seat.

            “I guess that means that I’m the fastest.” I say after rolling down the window. She has this dumbfounded look on her face. “Nice try though. I barely had time to shut the door before you showed up.” I say laughing. She walks to the other side of the car and gets in.

            “God damn it,” She says. “I have to tell Skylar what happened.” I smile and laugh. “What’s so funny?” She asks.

            “I can’t wait to see her face when you tell her.” I say imaging it. She sits there fuming. “Come on it won’t be that bad.” I say after a while of driving.

            “She’s going to kill me.” She says. “Literally kill me.”

            “No she’s not,” I tell her. “She loves you too much and I wouldn’t let her.” I say. “Well, here we are.” I tell her as we pull in. “So how are you going to tell her?”

            “I’m just going to tell her straight.” She says getting out of the car. I get out also.

            “You’re just going to walk right in there and say that we had sex?” I ask. She nods. “Well I guess its better then beating around the bush.” I say. “Well, made sure you take pictures of her face so I can see it.” I say heading off to my room. I walk in and see Quinn sitting on his bed. “What’s up?” I ask smiling.

            “Nothing. What happened to but you in such a good mood?” He asks.

            “Nothing special. I just needed time to think.” I tell him. His phone starts to go off as I walk into the bathroom. I come back out and he is looking at me incredibly. “What?” I ask.

            “You had sex with Elisabeth.” He said more of a statement then a question.

            “How did you?… Skylar.” I say feeling like a complete idiot for making that bet. “God damn it.”

            “What the hell happened to thinking about Marie or Elisabeth?” He asks.

            “Hey, I never planned for it to happen is just did,” I counter. “She started with the whole thing.” There is some pounding at the door. I go and open it just to be met with a slap. “Ow,” I say stumbling a bit.

            Jessica and Allie walk in. “What the fuck?” Allie asks as Jessica rubs her hand.

            “Like I just said to Quinn, it just happened and she started the whole thing,” I say, “and next time, ask questions before prematurely slapping someone.” Tell Jessica.

            “Ok but did you al least use protection?” Jessica asks.

            “I think so.” I say trying to remember. “Yes.” Jessica and Allie look at me. “What?” I ask. “I’m sure I did.”

            “We’ll be right back.” They say before walking out. As I’m about to shut the door, Marie walks up. “Hey…” is all I have time to say before I’m slapped on the other side of my face. This one sends me to a knee. “What the fuck?” I yell standing up.

            From the look in her eyes I can tell she’s been crying. “How could you?” She asks. Quinn is sitting on his bed watching this with mild amusement. “I came in here and told you how I felt about you and then you go and fuck my best friend?” She yells slapping me, again sending me to a knee.

            I stand up and as she is about to slap me a third time, I catch her hand. “You knew I liked her before you came in here. Now back off.” I growl before throwing her hand away, sending her stumbling out the door. I slam the door behind her. “What is it and women smacking me today?” I say sitting down. Quinn shrugs.

            “You’re and ass I guess.” He tells me laying down and turning off his lamp.

            “Well they could just yell at me instead of beating me.” I say sitting on my bed. I sit there for a few minutes. “Do you think what I did was wrong?” I ask him.

            “Not if your heart told you to do it.” He says.

            I get up. “I’m sleeping outside.” I tell him turning off the lamp. I leave the room and jump onto the roof of the hotel. “What did I do to deserve this?” I ask myself.

            “Deserve what?” I head Elisabeth say from behind me. I turn and smile.

            “You.” I tell her hugging her and lying down. She lies down with me and we fall asleep like that.

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