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Today has been agh. Pretty average. MOnday's back to college. I started off with my effort at 5 then it slowly went down and down and down to 1. The Superbowl was interesting. Seahawks coming out victorious! I want the Bronco's to win because of Manning but the Seahawks defence deserve it. I think it was 4 TD's they score from turnovers. In a Superbowl final that is an amazing start for them. They said the 4 times the best defence has come up against the best offence the defence has won 3 out of 4 times. Which obviously means the saying is true. 

"Defence is the best form of attack."

Clearly in this case it is true. 

I am really getting annoyed at myself for getting sucked in with girls. I should know girls dont like me in that way. 2 in my lifetime have (well these 2 I liked back so I only count them) and I wouldn't even count one as it was in year 6? I didn't have a clue about emotions back then apart from happiness. What a difference 5 years can made. Sad to say it but true. One way out? Pull the trigger? That is what I keep thinking about but I most do it, I must fight these thoughts. Anyway that sums up my pretty boring day. Got any advice or suggestions comment below. 

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