A Love So Strong---Right next to you

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Oh my goodness! I can't believe you guys are THIS excited for this chapter! That is soo amazing! Everyday i would log on to Wattpad and see that i have a bunch of new votes! Plus, i only needed 25 votes! YOU GUYS MADE MY DAY! That's why i decided to thank you all by uploading today!

P.S. tomorrow is my bro's b-day and he would really like it if you vote for this chapter! :) Thanks so much for reading! You guys are the best supporters ever!

P.P.S---Don't forget to vote, comment, and fan if you already haven't. Okay ENOUGH! ON THE STORY!! :D


(Recap)--- ~~~~Skip to page 2!!!!~~~~

~~~Shane’s P.O.V~~~

I hung up my phone. Different emotions were playing inside of me; frustration, sadness, relief. I focused my attention on the road. I can't believe this.

"Was that Madison?” Ana whispered.

I gazed over at her. She was looking very tired and overworked. I could tell she was tired because they were bags under her eyes. "I know where she is", I responded.

She shot up from her seat. "For real?!” she said.

A small smile began to creep up on my face. "For real, for real." She didn't reply but I’m guessing that she's pretty happy but too tired to do anything about it.

I sped up the gas to my car, Krista. Krista was my baby, my super fast car that I got from making my own money. I got her a year ago and since then I’ve always had her by my side and I knew there was one thing she wouldn’t let me down on. And that was speed.

My thoughts were quickly scrambled when Ana shouted. I pressed down on the breaks so fast, my vision almost blurred. My breath came in short gaps as I placed my attention towards Ana, what the hell look on my face.

“What happened?” I yelled, checking my surroundings. The only thing in plain site was a gas station near the side of the road. “I need to pee” she simply replied.

My nose flared. “Really? You need to pee? You made me almost paralyze myself because you need to pee?” I barked in her direction. “Yeah” she said timidly. I rolled my eyes and accelerated into the pathway of the gas station. I stopped the car and stared at her.

“Well?” I asked.


“Don’t you have to pee?” I inquired.

Her eyes lit up. “Oh yeah” She said as she opened the door and got out. I sighed as she left. Why did it seem as if when she’s gone that’s when the air gets lighter? I got out of the car and walked towards the food center. I opened the door and the smell of decay and air spray filled the air. I shrank up my nose in disgust.

I walked through the short aisles of food and grabbed a Monster from the fridge in the back. I didn’t know what Ana would want so I just grabbed 5 different flavored air heads. I strolled along to the cashier to pay.

I thought the smell of the place was disgusting but this guy was another story. I almost thought the man was pregnant. He looked like a fat hillbilly; no offence to hillbilly’s everywhere.

“Is that all young man?” He asked me, his creepy smile making me very uncomfortable. His teeth were gross. I thoughts dogs had bad teeth. I chuckled to myself. He scanned my items and I paid for it. “Have a good day” he said. I managed to smile as I half ran and half walked to my car. I opened the door and got in. I closed it and grabbed the air heads and gave one to Ana.

A Love So Strong(Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now