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Hey guys, Emily here. My lovely author has nicely asked me to type or tell some important things that she had missed out in the story. the INTRODUCTION.

you guys must be lost am i right? So here you go:

I know you all are confuse on who is who or maybe whether Kira is my older sister or not..haha..no..she is just a not blood related sister. I know, this is quite late for an introduction because there is something happening currently but hey, don't blame for always talking to myself and always pretending that there is a drama series happening. This just shows how lonely i am up there, haizz..i really am a pitiful person. Anyway, this is my gang group :

1. Kira Robert - 17 years old, been sisters for 6 years and currently this is the 7th year..probably...was in the same class for a year and we did some quite dangerous stuff in school (Nickname in school: The Tomboy artist)

2. Brianna William - 17 years old, been my bae for 5 years, this year 6th..met from Kira, she has always been there for me..i guess..(Nickname in school: The witch)

3. Janis Willow - 17 years old, been my otaku friend for 5 years? probably..bad memory i guess..met from Brianna, started talking to each other because of our anime and manga and also our SHIPPINGS (Nickname in school: Crazy girl or The Writer Girl)

4. Alisson Walker - 17 years old, been my best friend for 4 years, met her because she was in a lot of my classes. i dont know how but we just started talking and we just became friends..lol..took over her parents' worldwide business with William(Nickname in school: The gangster)

and finally me. Emily Lance. 16 years old. Nickname in school: The Sunshine Girl. and that's all you need to know for now..

we are a very wild group. I am the sunshine girl, Alisson is the artistic girl, Brianna is the perverted and also writer girl, and Janis is too a writer girl and a otaku. And aslo our nicknames are on top there~~ 

Do you remember the 'they' i mentioned back there? Those are the cliche popular boy group.

1. James Stone-(Nickname in school: The quiet prince)

2. Isaac Lloyd-(Nickname in school: The Genius, emo prince) 

3. William Walker - older twin brother of Alisson and business partner. (Nickname in school: The Active Prince)

4. Timothy Robinson-(Nickname in school: The Prince Charming)

5. Alexander Collins Key-(Nickname in school: The womanizer prince)

(For some reason they all have prince behind even though they are like devils, I guess because they didn't do that many bad things like in the cliche books)

We all despise each other, well Alisson and William are the exception because you know they are twins and surprisingly they have a really good relationship / bond unlike most siblings. they do everything in sync!

Oh right, you guys, the past of Timothy and Kira will be mentioned soon so don't worry, but it is obvious that they were thing at first and blah blah blah.

And there you have it, the INTRO.

Hey author here, Please enjoy the next chapter thanks <3

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