Chapter 12

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SAL'S RENTALS WAS IN DOWNTOWN STILES. They rented everything from cars and cube vans to fancy lawnmowers and chainsaws.

A small cowbell hung over the front door and rang when they entered.

"Can I help you?" A man of about fifty called out from behind a long counter. A display of maps were on the left. Terry spun it slowly. Madison kept walking toward the man.

"We're looking for information on someone you rented a vehicle to."

His arms crossed. "What's this about?"

"We can't say."

"Then I can't help you."

Madison debated how to continue. "We're detectives—"

"And I'm Santa Claus lady, what's your point? Don't you need a warrant to demand my customer list?"

"How much for one of these?" Terry held up a map as if it was a piece of art.

"Five dollars. The sign says right there." He pointed to a piece of Bristol board that sat on an angle wedged into the top of the display.

"That's a lot for some directions." Terry slowly found the slot where he took the map from and put it back.

"Four dollars. For officers of the law."

"Three fifty."

"Three seventy-five."

Terry pressed his lips. "Deal." He picked the map up again and placed it on the counter. He took his time counting out the change.

"You know, maybe I can help you guys."

Madison regarded her partner, then the older man. Was this like a small diner? If you want to use the washroom, buy something? If you wanted information, toss over some change?

Terry smiled. "I was hoping you'd see my side. I have friends, you know." He tapped the edge of the map on the counter. "Collectors."

She recognized the sarcasm and had to fight a full smile from forming.

"Who is it you're looking for?" The man moved toward his computer and pulled the keyboard tray out.

"Last name Layton. First Jeff."

He pulled up a pair of glasses from a chain around his neck and put them on. His fingers grazed the keys. "Not seeing anyone by that name."

"Are you sure?" Madison asked.

The man took his glasses off and let them dangle from the chain. "Yes, I'm sure. No Layton."

Madison pulled out a black and white printout of Layton's DMV photo and held it in front of the man. "Do you recognize him?"

The man took the photo from her hands and studied it. "Awful grainy picture, isn't it?" He pulled up his glasses and put them on again. "He looks familiar..."

"He rent a car from you?"

The man studied the picture for another twenty seconds before passing it back to Madison. "Can't say."

Madison stood there studying his eyes. He was telling the truth. He vaguely recognized Layton, but no memories stood out besides that.

"Okay. Well, thanks for looking." Terry winked at the man and then pointed at the map display. "I'll be back."

Madison unlocked the car. "That was pretty good in there."

"Thanks. Is he looking?"

"No. I don't think so. Why?"

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