Chapter 18

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SHE BARELY POSSESSED ENOUGH PATIENCE to wait in line for a Starbucks. Now she was stuck waiting for another lawyer to show.


She didn't need to turn around to know who was coming her way.

The man spoke again. "What happened to Layton's lawyer?"

"We're waiting for another one."

She had to keep her eyes off Terry, who was having a hard time suppressing a full-out laugh with tears.

"Next time, keep me more in the loop. Why do I have to remind you of this all the time?" Sergeant Winston stood by her desk.

Maybe he had caught up on his paperwork and would use this opportunity to harass her some more and make her recap everything yet again.

He folded his hands together in front him and relaxed his posture, one leg slightly forward of the other. "Seriously, if you were any less of a detective—"

"I know. You'd have my badge." Madison wanted to add that part of the reason she was good at her job was due to the fact she didn't rehash everything over and over with everyone, opting for getting the job done instead.

"Don't mock me, Knight."

Madison bit off the rest of her Hershey's bar and tossed the wrapper in the garbage. "You're welcome to sit in."

"No thank you. I've got bigger things to take care of."

Bigger things to take care of? Then back off and leave me alone. That's what she thought. She said, "Sure. Leave the real work to the little people."

"So what are you thinking? Are you still leaning toward Photo Guy?" Terry asked.

"Not admitting any defeat but I'm starting to focus more on Layton."

"Why's that?"

"Just in light of everything. I mean the guy has a motive as old as time itself." The words came out, and she cursed her mother for inflicting her with clichés at a vulnerable age. Madison figured Terry would make a comment, but the phone rang on his desk and he picked it up.

She watched him and tried to discern who the caller was.

He placed the receiver down and addressed Madison, "That was Officer Ranson. Seems Layton's new lawyer won't be able to get here until tomorrow."

A small smirk spread across her lips, almost sinister.


"Well, maybe it will do him some good. Shake him up if he's guilty."

"Guilty. I feel it."

"And yet you tell me I go by hunches. We don't have DNA proof he was in that room."


"Well, he admitted to being in her bedroom—"

"And they pulled two male DNA profiles. One from the two hairs and one from the tie. So depending on how this matches up..."

"That would be enough." Terry stood to his feet. "You watch. They're both involved."

His statement caught her off guard. She had spoken nothing to that effect to Terry. In fact, she only briefly entertained the thought with Cynthia in the lab when they were discussing the photo.

"Don't tell me you never thought of it. Two men both known to be enamored with the victim, both outside her home the night of the murder."

Madison held up her hand. "Stop it. You're giving me a headache." She didn't want to dwell on it or get carried away with that possibility. At least not right now. She stood. "Let's go tell Layton the good news. He'll be a guest of the city tonight."

Madison rapped on the door before entering. Layton sat there looking half asleep.

"Where's my lawyer?"

"Here's the thing," Madison began.

"Oh shit, he can't make it." His jaw clenched. Madison discerned from the intensity of his eyes. He realized he wouldn't see his bed tonight.

"You're keeping me overnight, aren't you?"

"Unless you want to proceed and waive your right to representation—"

"Don't think so."

"Then there's no other way. You're a suspect in Laura's mur—"

"I didn't do it."

"And if that's the truth, it will come out in time. We have more questions." She motioned for him to stand. "And one more thing while you're so cooperative." Her tone was full of sarcasm.

His eyes fired with rage. "Whatever I can do to help, Detective."

"We'd like to get a DNA sample."

A fast pulse swelled in his cheek. "Go to hell."

His comment took her aback. This man could transform from placid to monster in fractions of time. He could have pulled it off.

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