Chapter 43

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THE DOOR OPENED TO THE visiting room and Brooke walked in. Her gaze was first on the two guards in the room and then it was fixed on the chair across from him. She seemed to look everywhere but straight at him.

Ethan rose to hug her, but she sat down across from him.

"Tell me you didn't do it."

"I didn't."

She blinked. "Now you insult my intelligence. Is this why I got a new car—"

"Don't be absurd."

"You were spotted with it, weren't you? Why were you at that park for a morning run, Ethan? You never do that."

Why did he feel he needed to defend himself to his wife? "I always run in Mitchell Park."

"Not on Sunday mornings. Why that day?"

He must have been insane to think she would support him through this. He only prayed she didn't know about the alleged affair and his vasectomy.

"Three women, including your own mother, Ethan." Her chin trembled. "My God, Ethan, your own mother!" Tears rolled down her face, dripped off her jaw.

"I didn't do it, Brooke. Please believe me." He extended an arm toward her again and went to touch her hand. She pulled it back.

She scanned his eyes, probing them. Somewhere in hers, he could tell she wanted to believe him, but she didn't.

"They talked to your dad, Ethan. And me. They know about everything." She continued through heaves for air. "The business. How your mother wouldn't let you take it on." She stopped talking. "Did you kill her for it?"

His best friend had betrayed him. "What do you think, Brooke? You think I'd risk everything for this?"

"I don't know..." She pulled out a tissue from her purse and blew her nose.

"What about Dad?" She avoided eye contact. Frank hadn't come to see him and based on this interaction with his wife, he didn't expect a visit from his father. He wondered why she had bothered coming. He felt his own chin tremble but fought to withhold the emotion. "They'll realize they were wrong."

"Are they, Ethan? What am I supposed to tell our daughter?"

"Tell her daddy will be home soon."

She laughed derisively. The tears had dried up. "You think everything's going to be all right? I know everything, Ethan. I know about the affair with that girl. I know about your independent decision to fix things." She waved her hand toward his lap.

"I can explain that."

"There's not enough time." She stood. "I've got to go."

"Brooke, please!" He made a fast movement toward her, and both guards rushed to hold him back. She only stopped long enough to shoot him a look before leaving.

She never made a single effort to comfort him, to touch him. She hadn't come to console him. She was here to condemn him. At a time like this, when he needed family the most, they were eager to pass judgment.

As the door closed behind her, all he could do was sob like a child. He was more scared now than when he found his mother's lifeless body. He stood to lose his entire family. As much as his mother would interfere with his goals, he'd rather deal with that, than this. If only he could turn back time. 

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